The European Union in International Organisations and Global Governance

The European Union in International Organisations and Global Governance

Christine Kaddous

The European Union is a key participant in international organizations with its involvement taking different forms. It can, for example enjoy status of full membership or that of mere observer. Moreover, there is also not only one status of observer, but different ones depending on the constituent charters of the organizations. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the participation of the EU in five international organizations: the UN, the ILO, the WTO, the WHO and the WIPO. It identifies its role and influence is diverse areas of global governance, such as foreign policy, peace, human rights, social rights, trade, health and intellectual property.

EU and international experts, diplomats and scholars have contributed to this book to give an overview of different aspects linked to the participation of the EU in these organisations and to the coordination that takes place internally with its Member States. They also examine the EU’s actual influence in the various areas and its contribution to global governance. The combination of these two dimensions allows the work to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the participation of the EU in these five international organisations.

The book provides valuable insights not only for scholars in the field of international organisations, EU external relations and international relations, but also for policymakers at national, EU and multilateral levels. It is also useful for representatives of other international organisations and civil society actors.

26 août 2015