
16 avril 2018: Conference on Disaster Law


Conference on Disaster Law
16 avril 2018 (UNIMAIL salle MR170)

International Disaster Law: Towards a Universal Convention? Remarks on the 2016 ILC Draft Articles on the “Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters”


Giulio BARTOLINI (Université de Rome III)

Giulio Bartolini is Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of Law, University of Roma Tre, where he is also responsible of the Jean Monnet Module on ‘International and European Disaster Law’ ( funded by the EU Commission and Director of the Roma Tre IHL Legal Clinic. In the area of international disaster law he has been legal assistant to the ILC Special Rapporteur on the “Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters", and co-responsible of the International Disaster Law Project and training courses organized with the IFRC and the Italian Red Cross.  Co-organiser of the annual “International and Comparative Disaster Law Essay Contest” for university students managed with the ASIL Interest Group on Disaster Law and the IFRC Disaster Law Programme. He is co-editor of the "Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Disasters” (London, 2018).

Description of the conference

This lecture will address the Draft Articles on the “Protection of persons in the event of disasters" adopted by the International Law Commission in 2016. This discussion is particularly timely given the recommendation made by the Commission to elaborate a convention on the basis of this project; a proposal on which States have been invited to submit comments in view of the seventy-third session of the UN General Assembly to be held in 2018. Such potential outcome would represent a significant novelty in the area of international disaster law, characterized by a fragmented legal framework and the lack of a universal flagship treaty. Against this multifaceted background, the Draft Articles provided a broad systematization of the main legal issues relevant in the disaster cycle.  Furthermore, these provisions try to accommodate the different interests of actors involved in a disaster scenario, namely the affected State, external assisting actors and the victims of disasters, with a complex "checks and balances” approach.

Cette conférence est organisée dans le cadre des cours « Practice of IHL » (Université de Genève, Master, Droit) et «International Humanitarian Law » (Académie de Genève, LL.M.) dispensés par la Professeure Gloria Gaggioli.
La conférence est ouverte au public.


16 avril 2018
  Archives 2018