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International Law and Freshwater : the Multiple Challenges

International Law and Freshwater : the Multiple Challenges

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Christina Leb, and Mara Tignino (editors)

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The increase in water demand caused by population growth and industrial development has rendered hydrologic challenges more complex. International law helps shape the water use relations among States and between States and individuals and other non-State actors. It provides a regulatory framework to address water challenges, such as the promotion of equitable access to drinking water, the mitigation and prevention of environmental degradation, consumptive economic uses and the prevention and settlement of water-related disputes. And it provides principles and norms for the sustainable development and protection of this vital resource. The development of new agreements at the basin level, the codification efforts at the universal and regional level and the increasing case law of courts and tribunals dealing with water resources reveal a wind of change in the relationship between freshwater and international law.

These recent trends have been captured in an edited volume following an international conference organized by the Platform for International Water Law of the University of Geneva in July 2011. This event brought together leading experts and practitioners working on a wide range of issues related to water resources management. Invited speakers and other authorities in the field of international water law contributed to the present volume.

« International Law and Freshwater: the Multiple Challenges » connects recent legal developments through the breadth and synergies of a multidisciplinary analysis. It addresses such critical issues as water security, the right to water, international cooperation and dispute resolution, State succession to transboundary watercourse treaties, and facets of international economic law, including trade in ‘virtual water’ and the impacts of ‘land grabs’.

To order a copy of the book:

15 janv. 2013

