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Fresh Water in International Law

Just published: Fresh Water in International Law by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (OUP 2013)

This book examines fresh water through the lenses of the various rules of international law, providing academics, policy makers and practitioners with a detailed knowledge of how regimes such as boundary delimitation, human rights and investment law are linked through the uses, management and protection of this vital resource.

Key features:

  • Readers obtain holistic view of regulatory, economic, environmental, institutional, human rights and dispute settlement issues
  • In-depth analysis of case law demonstrates how legal instruments governing fresh water are applied in practice
  • Historic overviews and discussion of current trends provide perspective on unique evolutions in international law

For more information, please contact Katherine Marshall at OUP.

Order now and receive a 20% discount. Visit OUP and enter promotional code ALAUTH13 at checkout.

24 oct. 2013

