Research Projects

FifTH IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference
(March 1-3, 2023)


On 1-3 March 2023, the Faculty of Law had the pleasure to co-organize the Fifth IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, which took place at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and online. This year’s edition of the Conference welcomed over 300 scholars amongst speakers, chairs, and attendees from around the world (Asia-Pacific, North and South America, Europe, and Africa). The full program for the 3 days is available here.

Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Mr. Daren Tang, and Deputy Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ms Anabel González, delivered the opening addresses at the Conference and focused their remarks on the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) to promote Innovation and Creativity, but also its importance for the recovery post-Covid.

The IPIRA Network is an initiative created to provide a forum for IP researchers to discuss their papers and works-in-progress with other academics, practitioners, and policy makers. The Fifth IPIRA Conference was organized as a collaboration between the WIPO Academy, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Intellectual Property, Government Procurement, and Competition Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the following academic institutions: the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia; the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia; Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University; Texas A&M University School of Law and our Faculty of Law, University of Geneva.

Our Faculty of Law was represented at IPIRA 2023 by Prof. Irene Calboli, Academic Fellow at the Faculty of Law (who is the initiator of the IPIRA Network and Conference), and Prof. Jacques de WerraMarion Consoli and Ammihud Joseph (of our Digital Law Center) contributed their very appreciated assistance for the organization of IPIRA 2023.

This Fifth IPIRA Conference was, like the previous edition,  a remarkably successful event. The organizers very much look forward to the Sixth IPIRA Conference that will take place in 2024. Information about 2024 will be communicated in due time on this website.
