
Thomas Guibentif

M. Thomas Mendes de Matos Guibentif


6th floor B601
+41 22 379 06 44

Thomas Guibentif is working at the Department F.-A. Forel/Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) since April 2019. His PhD thesis deals with the modelling of energy consumption at municipality level and the design of energy efficiency programs. Before joining University of Geneva, he worked for one year at Geneva's public utility, SIG, on the éco21 energy efficiency program. He continues to contribute to it in the context of a partnership between UNIGE and SIG-éco21. 

He holds a master degree in Energy Management and Sustainability (MES - now an orientation of the Energy Science and Technology program) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and a Bachelor degree in Physics. His research with the Electronics laboratory (ELAB) and with the Energy Center (CEN) at EPFL focussed on smart building control and on systemic impacts of microgrids. During that period, he contributed to the IEA's Renewable Energy Division work on energy supply security, in Paris, as well as to Enerwhere, a start-up providing solar energy to temporary infrastructures in Dubai.

Thomas Guibentif tries to involve in multiple activities besides his core research work. He has travelled around the world without plane between his studies and his work at SIG and now engages with local associations, trying to make the whole a coherent contribution to the crucial social transition under way.
