Benchmark: what are other universities doing?

Autumn Semester and Academic year 2020-21

At present, it is difficult to determine how both the Autumn semester and the 2020-21 academic year will unfold. This uncertainty is related to the state of our knowledge of COVID-19, its impact and the epidemiological projections (e.g. second wave or not?) The conducted benchmark reveals that attitudes in universities are overall pragmatic, quite creative and above all proactive with regard to how best to ensure the continuity of universities’ respective missions within this peculiar and uncertain public health context. The document below provides a brief overview of the timeframes and modalities envisaged for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year (on site, online, blended) and highlights several trends. The universities considered are located in the following countries: China, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, UK and USA.

Full document: Overview of the timetables and modalities envisaged for the start of the 2020-21 academic year

Autumn Semester and Academic year 2020-21: Swiss University watch



1. Opinion | College Campuses Must Reopen in the Fall. Here’s How We Do It. -The New York Times. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

2. Harvard fall reopening plans | Harvard Magazine. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

3. Déconfinement : les plans de reprise d’activité se feront université par université -Educpros.(Accessed: 19th May 2020)

4. Coronavirus, rientro all’università in due fasi. Manfredi: «A luglio online, a settembre con sistema misto». (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

5. France: dans l’attente d’une incertaine reprise des cours, les étudiants déboussolés. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

6. Millions of students back to school as coronavirus retreats (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

7. Scénarios de déconfinement de l’école à l’université : septembre, est-ce si loin ? Une synthèse à J+21 | Academia. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

8. Home | CRI. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

9. Plan de numérisation, cadrage juridique, télétravail : le regard d’O. Faron sur les enjeux post-Covid. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

10. Scénarios de déconfinement de l’école à l’université : septembre, est-ce si loin ? Une synthèse à J+21 | Academia. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)

11. Forget freshers’ week: universities prepare to teach new first years online | Education | The Guardian. (Accessed: 19th May 2020)