Actualités ISE

Launch of two new Horizon-Europe projects


On September 1st, a team led by Dr. Gregory Giuliani from the Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) will start participating to two new four-years EU-funded projects, bringing expertise in Land Change Science & Land Degradation using Earth Observations and Artificial Intelligence.

The first project entitled Nostradamus - Data Cube and Copernicus data for Food Security and European Independence, led by the Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (Cyprus), is aiming to leverage multi-source data to enable real-time data collection and analysis, to provide actionable insights to optimize farmers' operations and improve their yields, reducing agricultural inputs' utilization, which will boost EU resilience, independence, and ecological ambitions for agriculture. In addition, the systematic update of this data will strengthen the monitoring of the agricultural practices and the administrative capacities in this sector.

The second project is led by the University of Sassari (Italy) and is called MONALISA - MONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration solutions to combat desertification in LIving labs for achieving Soil heAlth. Its main objective is to identify, showcase the socio-economic and environmental effectiveness, and promote the expansion of innovative and tailored solutions to prevent and reverse land degradation and desertification (LDD) across the Mediterannean basin.

30 août 2024
  Actualités ISE