enviroSPACE Projects

 Current projects

NCCS: Impacts: Impacts of Climate change on ecosystem services

Feb. 2023 - Dec. 2025

WP leader: A.Lehmann (UNIGE)


Ecological Infrastructure in the Greater Geneva region

Sep. 2022 - Mar. 2023

Coordinator: A.Lehmann (UNIGE)


Values of the Ecological Infrastructure in Swiss Parks

Oct. 2020 - Dec. 2023
WP leader: A. Lehmann (UNIGE)

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GE-21 est un réseau d’experts au service de l’intérêt public. Sa mission est de promouvoir et mettre en valeur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques pour améliorer le bien-être des habitants de Genève et de sa région.

Comité technique:

  • Bertrand von Arx (Direction Générale Agriculture et Nature)
  • Alain Dubois (hepia)
  • Anthony Lehmann (Université de Genève)
  • Joëlle Massy (Direction Générale Agriculture et Nature)
  • Sophie Rochefort (hepia)
  • Martin Schlaepfer (Université de Genève)
  • Olga Villarrubia (Direction Générale de l'Environnement)
  • Nicolas Wyler (Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques)

Past projects

H2020 ERA-PLANET / GEOEssential
Essential Variables workflows for resource efficiency and environmental management

September 2017-August 2020
Coordination: A. Lehmann (UNIGE)
Management: D. Rodila, N. Ray (UNIGE/GRID)
WP5 leader: P. Lacroix (UNIGE/GRID)
WP7 leader: G. Giuliani (UNIGE/GRID)
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Eco-hydrologic services of Swiss rivers and catchments under climate and landuse scenarios
July 2017-June 2020
Coordination: A. Lehmann (UNIGE)
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FP7 enviroGRIDS
Building Capacity for a Black Sea Basin Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development
April 2009-March 2013
Coordination: A. Lehmann (UNIGE)
Management: N. Ray (UNIGE)
WP2 leader: G. Giuliani (UNIGE)
Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment
June 2013-May 2015
Coordination: N. Ray (UNIGE)
Direction: M. Noort (HCP)
Management: G. Giuliani (UNIGE)
WP leader: Y. Guigoz (UNIGE)
Fostering Sustainability and Uptake of Research Results through Networking Activities in Black Sea and Mediterranean Areas
June 2013-May 2015
Coordination: P. Patias (AUTH)
WP leader: P. Lacroix (UNIGE)
Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter
October 2008-September 2013
Coordination: M. Beniston (UNIGE)
Management: M. Stoeffel (UNIGE)
WP2 leader: A. Lehmann (UNIGE)
FP7 Pegaso
People for Ecosystem-based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast
February 2010-January 2014
Coordination: F. Breton (UAB)
Management: G. Solgado (UAB)
UNIGE is partner
Africa at meso-scale: Adaptive and integrated tools and strategies on natural resources management
March 2011-February 2014
Coordination: T. D'Haeyer (Antea)
WP8 leader: G. Giuliani (UNIGE)
FP7 EcoArm2ERA
EU Cooperation Capacity Building of Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia: Towards Armenia’s integration into the ERA
December 2011-November 2014
Coordination: S. Asmaryan (CENS)
UNIGE Lead: N. Ray (UNIGE)
Deploying ARmenian distributed Processing capacities for Environmental GEOspatial data 
September 2011-August 2013
Coordination: N. Ray (UNIGE)
Efficient Developemnt and Execution of Environmental applications on parallel and Distributed Infrastructures 
Coordination/Main applicant: N. Ray (UNIGE)
Romanian Mentor: Dorian Gorgan
SCIEX fellow: Denisa Rodila
Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining project 
UNIGE Lead: P. Lacroix (UNIGE)
SWITCH MUSIC : MUlti-disciplinary diStrIbuted Computing
FP6 Metafunctions : This project is pooling expertise in bioinformatics, computer science, geographical information systems and marine sciences to develop a data-mining system that correlates genetic patterns in genomes and metagenomes with contextual environmental data.

Other projects: