Why Geneva?

Enrolling for classes and exams

It is mandatory to respect the enrolment deadlines for classes and exams
Course enrolment
Enrol once you've arrived in Geneva
First, attend Faculty Information Sessions
Then, register for classes at your faculty's student office
Deadline: 3 weeks after courses begin (check with your host faculty)
If you take courses in several faculties, you must enrol in each faculty.

Exam enrolment
You must enrol for exams at your faculty’s student office.
Each faculty has its own enrolment deadline. Contact the Student's Office (Secrétariat des étudiants) in case of doubt.
You must be in Geneva for the exam period. It is not possible to sit exams remotely.
Changing Faculty
You may change faculty within 3 weeks of the start of classes (except for medicine, translation and interpreting).