
Learning and Teaching Technologies


The research group Learning and Teaching Technologies (TECFA) is leaded by Prof. Mireille Bétrancourt and Daniel Peraya.

Research Fields

1. Mediated Educational Communication and distance education - Distance Education - Semiotics in Educational Technology Products -. Pragmatics in Educational Communication

2. Learning tools - Models of Learning & Computational Metaphors - Help Systems for Learning - Computer Supported Collaborative Learning - Learning from multimedia and hypermedia.

3. Human Computer Interaction - Usability of learning interfaces and instructional support.

4. Development and educational adaptation of Information & Communication Systems - Multi-User Virtual Worlds - Educational modelling languages - Interactive Web Pages - Community portals - web 2.0 and social software - affective computing.

5. Design of innovative learning environments - Serious games - interactive narratives - intelligent characters.

6. Computer-supported learning environment for population with special needs - sensory or cognitive disabilities - specific learning disabilities