Swiss Working Memory Meeting - February 2022

After two years of conferences being virtual, delayed, or canceled, we were able to meet again with the research labs from Fribourg and Zürich for the (normally) yearly "Swiss Working Memory Meeting" in Fribourg, on the 11th of March 2022. With Spring around the corner, it was a beautiful day and the sunlight filled the room. While some people were still getting a coffee, the first presenter was already setting up for the first presentation of the day. This year, there were about 30 researchers present from the labs of Valérie Camos (Fribourg), Klaus Oberauer (Zürich), and Evie Vergauwe (Genève). From our lab, Caro Hautekiet, Beatrice Valentini, and Stéphanie Jeanneret presented. After a dozen very inspiring presentations and interesting discussions, talking about different aspects and techniques of Working Memory, we ended the day with a nice dinner in a local restaurant. We were all very happy to be able to meet again in person and we look forward to next year's edition!

- Stéphanie Jeanneret

Laboratoire Mémoire de travail, Cognition et Développement 
Université de Genève
Faculté de psychologie et Sciences de l'éducation
Bureau 5158
40 Boulevard Pont d'Arve
1205 Genève
