36.9° (RTS) report on microplastics contamination in the environment
The TV program 36.9° program invited itself in the laboratory of Physical Chemistry for its reports on the impact of microplastics in the environment and health. Recently published results obtained on the plastic pollution studied in a mountain lake in Switzerland and in collaboration with the Odysseus association, were discussed, and the laboratory expertise on microplastics detection was involved to highlight the importance of microplastic pollution in the atmosphere of urban area. This work is part of the thesis work of Angel Negrete Velasco supervised by Dr. Serge Stoll.
Photo : Atmospheric microparticles deposition on a filter after 8 days of exposure.
Microplastiques: quels dangers pour la santé ? |
Avis d'expert |
RTS Un / 36.9°, 19.05.2021
Il y aurait autant de microplastiques dans le lac Léman que dans nos océans. Mais d’où viennent-ils? De la dégradation de gros déchets abandonnés dans la nature mais pas seulement. Interview de Serge Stoll, maître d'enseignement et de recherche au Département F.-A. Forel des sciences de l’environnement et de l’eau de l'UNIGE. |
Visionner l'intervention (sujet à 5:15 min)
6 Oct 2021