Cours intensifs d’arabe standard, de syro-libanais, de persan et de calligraphie arabe

Adel Salama

Adel Salama est responsable du module « Introduction à l’arabe moderne standard : acquérir des bases solides à l’oral et à l’écrit ».

The course is taught in English. You’ll have lots of opportunities to practice the language, both grammatical and cultural concepts in English, in a smooth, relaxed, stimulating atmosphere.

In addition to the fact that Arabic is one of the six United Nations official languages and the most common Semitic language, learning Arabic creates a window to an old culture that is widely misunderstood.

My course encompasses basic but important foundation of both the language and the culture. In addition to learning how to approach Arabic speakers and establish contact with them, learners also understand the dynamics of an Arab behaviour and attitude and learn how to appreciate the positive aspects of that culture.

By learning the basics of Modern standard Arabic, participants will be able to communicate with speakers in any Arab country, read books and newspapers, listen to news bulletins and cultural programs. Learning takes place through an integrated approach, a lot of activities in the target language, and explanation of grammar and culture.

Adel has been teaching in international environment for a long time. Therefore, he is aware of the differences between languages, for instance between Arabic and Germanic languages, and knows how to tackle these differences. The same goes for cultural differences, and thus the students learn about social etiquette of an Arab society.

In less than two weeks, you’d be able to have a gentle introduction to the Arabic language, to read and write simple sentences, o introduce yourself and ask basic questions in Arabic, how to be courteous to Arabic speakers, to understand a little the Arab culture away from what the media publishes, and to know the relation between “cafe mocha”, “une bougie”, and “une giraffe”!


Découvrez les autres modules et enseignant-e-s

Mahdi Jahandar
Mahdi Jahandar

« Un effort permanent pour aller vers l'autre et le comprendre, le plaisir de découvrir de nombreux points communs qui nous unissent constituent mes motivations à enseigner ce module. »

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Niloufar Latour
Niloufar Latour

« Le persan, langue d’origine indo-européenne (et de ce fait, bien différent de l’arabe), n’est pas juste une langue. »

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Ammar Saad
Ammar Saad

« Ce cours permet d’acquérir des connaissances de base, orales et écrites, de l’arabe syro-libanais, ainsi que de l’environnement social et culturel (ou socioculturel) moyen-oriental. »

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Racha Jadallah
Racha Jadallah

« Dans mes cours, la créativité et les nouveaux concepts sont un voyage vers un monde lointain, souvent inconnu. »

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