Departments and Units

Publications Archive

This list contains the publications made by members and former members of the Department of Translation Technology before 2004.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992


  • Relevance in Dictionary-Making: Sense indicators in the Bilingual Entry, Atkins S. and Bouillon P., in: P. Battaner et J. De Cesaris, De Lexicografia, Actes del I Symposium Internacional de lexicografia, IULA, Barcelona, 2004, pp. 39-52
  • Methodology for building thematic indexes in medicine for French , Alphonse Y. and Bouillon P., in: Proceedings of LREC04, Lisbon, 2004.
  • Comparing Rule-Based and Statistical Approaches to Speech Understanding in a Limited Domain Speech Translation System, Rayner M., Bouillon P., Hockey B.A., Chatzichrisafis N. and Starlander M., in: Proceedings of TMI 2004, Baltimore, MD USA, 2004.
  • Towards Meeting Information Systems: Meeting Knowledge Management, Pallotta V., Ballim A., Marchand-Maillet S. Lisowska A., in: the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ECEIS 2004). Porto, Portugal, April 14th-17th, 2004.
  • User Query Analysis for the Specification and Evaluation of a Dialogue Processing and Retrieval System, Lisowska A., Armstrong S. and Popescu-Belis A., in: the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004). Lisbon Portugal, May 26th-28th, 2004.
  • Building linguistically motivated speech recognisetrs with Regulus , Rayner M., Hockey B.A. and Bouillon P., in: ACL-04 Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the Conference, Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop, Interactive Posters/Demonstrations, and Tutorial Abstracts, 21-16, July, 2004, Barcelona, Spain, pp.239.
  • Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different Languages , Cartoni B., Bouillon P., Alphonse Y. and Lehmann S., in: Proceedings of LREC04, Lisbon, 2004.
  • Semi-automatic Derivation of a French Lexicon from CLIPS , Ruimy N., Bouillon P. and Cartoni B., in: Proceedings of LREC04, Lisbon, 2004.
  • Évaluation des systèmes de traduction automatique, Hartley A. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Chaudiron S., ed. (2004), coll. "Sciences et technologies de l'information", Hermès, Paris, p.311-335.
  • Reference Resolution over a Restricted Domain: References to Documents , Popescu-Belis A. and Lalanne D. in: ACL 2004 Workshop on Reference Resolution and its Applications, Barcelona, Spain, p.71-78.
  • CESTA: Machine Translation Evaluation Campaign, Mustafa El Hadi W., Dabbadie M., Timimi I., Rajman M., Langlais P., Hartley A. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Coling 2004 Workshop on Language Resources for Translation Work, Research and Training, Geneva, Switzerland, p.8-17.
  • ARCHIVUS: A System for Accessing the Content of Recorded Multimodal Meetings, Lisowska A., Rajman M. and Bui T.H., in: the First International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (MLMI'04). Martigny, Switzerland, June 21st-23rd, 2004. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3361, 2005. Bengio, S., and H. Bourlard. (eds.)
  • Abstracting a Dialog Act Tagset for Meeting Processing , Popescu-Belis A., in: LREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.IV, p.1415-1418.
  • Online Evaluation of Coreference Resolution , Popescu-Belis A., Rigouste L., Salmon-Alt S. and Romary L., in: LREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.IV, p.1507-1510.
  • Building and Using a Corpus of Shallow Dialogue Annotated Meetings , Popescu-Belis A., Georgescul M., Clark A. and Armstrong S., in: LREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.IV, p.1451-1454.
  • User Query Analysis for the Specification and Evaluation of a Dialogue Processing and Retrieval System , Lisowska A., Popescu-Belis A. and Armstrong S., in: LREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.III, p.993-996.
  • Towards Automatic Identification of Discourse Markers in Dialogs: the Case of 'Like', Zufferey S. and Popescu-Belis A., in: SIGDIAL'04 (5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue), Cambridge, MA, USA, p.63-71.
  • Multi-level Dialogue Act Tags, Clark A. and Popescu-Belis A., in: SIGDIAL'04 (5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue).



  • Les liens morphologiques multilingues: individualitation et exploitation , Cartoni B., in: Actes de l'Atelier des doctorants en linguistique, Paris, juillet 2003.
  • Evaluation-Driven Design of a Robust Reference Resolution System, Popescu-Belis A., in: Journal of Natural Language Engineering, vol. 9, n. 2, 2003, p.1-26.
  • Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, P. Bouillon and K. Kanzaki (eds), May 15-17 2003, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • An experiment in comparative evaluation: humans vs. computers, Popescu-Belis A., in: Proc. of Machine Translation Summit IX, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003.
  • FEMTI: creating and using a framework for MT evaluation, King M., Popescu-Belis A. and Hovy E., in: Proc. of Machine Translation Summit IX, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003.
  • Natural Language Queries on Natural Language Data: a Database of Meeting Dialogues, Armstrong S., Clark A., Coray G., Georgescul M., Pallotta V., Popescu-Belis A., Portabella D., Rajman M. and Starlander M., in: Proc. of Natural Language Processing and Information Systems - NLDB'2003 (8th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems), Burg (Spreewald), Germany, 2003, p.14-27.
  • Automating the corpus-based study of the acquisition of pragmatic markers, Zufferey S. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Proc. of the 8th International Pragmatics Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • A limited-Domain English to Japanese Medical Speech Translator Built Using Regulus 2 , Rayner M., Bouillon P., Van Dalsem III V., Isahara H., Kanzaki K. and Hockey B.A., in: ACL-03 Companion Volume.
  • Automatisation de l'activité de vérification terminologique : FLAG , Alphonse Y., Bouillon P., Cartoni B. and Lehmann S., in: TIA-2003, Strasbourg, 31 avril et 1er avril 2003.
  • Learning Semantic Lexicons from a Part-of-Speech and Semantically Tagged Corpus using Inductive Logic Programming, Claveau V., Sébillot P., Fabre C. and Bouillon P., in: Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Special issue on inductive logic programming, 2003.
  • Compte rendu de "Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems" (Granström B., House D. and Karlsson I., eds., 2002), Popescu-Belis A., in: Revue T.A.L: Traitement automatique de la langue, vol. 44, n. 1, p.161-166, 2003.



  • Principles of Context-Based Machine Translation Evaluation, Hovy E., King M. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Machine Translation, vol. 16, 2002, p.1-33.
  • Constitution de banques de textes multilingues : un mécanisme fondé sur le standard XML, Popescu-Belis A., in: Cahiers du RIFAL, n. 23, 2002.
  • Apports d'Unicode à l'édition numérique multilingue, Popesdcu-Belis A., in: Document numérique, vol. 6, n. 3-4, 2002, p.139-153.
  • Modèles dynamiques de l'émergence de conventions linguistiques, Popescu-Belis A., in: Guillot A. and Daucé E., eds., Approche dynamique de la cognition artificielle, coll. "Traité des sciences cognitives", Hermès, Paris, 2002, p.181-199.
  • Shallow Parsing using Probabilistic Grammatical Inference, Thollard F. and Clark A., in: Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Apprentissage d'Automates Probabilistes Déterministes , Thollard F, and Clark A., in: Proceedings of CAp2002.
  • Détection de Groupes Nominaux par Inférence Grammaticale Probabiliste , Thollard F. and Clark A., in: Proceedings of CAp2002.
  • Memory-Based Learning of Morphology with Stochastic Transducers , Clark A., in: Proceedings of ACL 2002, Philadelphia, USA.
  • A phrasebook Style Medical Speech Translator, Rayner M. and Bouillon P., in: ACL-02 Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the Conference, Section 2, Philadelphia, 2002, pp. 114-115.
  • A flexible Speech to Speech Phrasebook Translator , Rayner M. and Bouillon P., in: Proceedings of ACL-02 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems, Philadelphia, 2002, pp. 69-76.
  • Acquisition of Qualia Elements from Corpora - Evaluation of a Symbolic Learning Method , Bouillon P., Claveau V., Fabre C. and Sébillot P., in: Proceedings of LREC02, La Palmas, 2002.
  • From Resources to Applications. Designing the Multilingual ISLE Lexical Entry, Atkins S., Bel N., Bertagna F., Bouillon P., Calzolari N., Fellbaum C., Grishman R., Lenci A., MacLeod C., Palmer M., Thurmair G., Villegas M. and Zampolli A., in: Proceedings of LREC02, La Palmas, 2002.
  • The polymorphy of verbs exhibiting middle transitive constructions , Bassac C. and Bouillon P., in: P. Boucher, Many Morphologies, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 2002, pp. 29-47.
  • Lexiques Sémantiques, Sous la direction de Pierrette Bouillon et Evelyne Viegas, TAL, Vol. 42:3, 2001, Paris, Hermès, 2002.
  • Acquérir des éléments du Lexique Génératif : quels résultats et à quel coût ? , Claveau V., Sébillot P., Bouillon P. and Fabre C., in: TAL, Vol. 42:3, 2001, Paris, Hermès, 2002 , pp. 729-753.
  • Computer-aided Specification of Quality Models for Machine Translation Evaluation , Hovy E., King M. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Proceedings of LREC02, p.1239-1246, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • Secure Electronic Dictionary Distribution Through the DicoPro Server , Popescu-Belis A., Armstrong S. and Robert G., in: Proceedings of LREC 2002, p.1144-1149, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • Corpus-based Evaluation of a French Spelling and Grammar Checker , Starlander M. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Proceedings of LREC 2002, p.268-274, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • Theory and Experimentation in the Modeling of Language Emergence, Popescu-Belis A., in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2002.
  • The Use of Referring Cases and of Individual/Categorial Salience to Represent Discourse Referents in Narrative Texts, Popescu-Belis A., in: Proceedings of DAARC4 (Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium), Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
  • Workbook of the LREC 2002 Workshop on Machine Translation Evaluation: Human Evaluators Meet Automated Metrics , King M. (ed.), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • An Introduction to MT Evaluation, Hovy E., King M. and Popescu-Belis A., in: Workbook of the LREC 2002 Workshop on Machine Translation Evaluation: Human Evaluators Meet Automated Metrics, p.1-7, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • A Hands-On Study of the Reliability and Coherence of Evaluation Metrics, Dabbadie M., Hartley A., King M., Miller K.J., Mustafa El Hadi W., Popescu-Belis A., Reeder F. and Vanni M., in: Workbook of the LREC 2002 Workshop on Machine Translation Evaluation: Human Evaluators Meet Automated Metrics, p.8-16, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.
  • Towards a Corpus of Corrected Human Translations, Popescu-Belis A., King M. and Benantar H., in: Workbook of the LREC 2002 Workshop on Machine Translation Evaluation: Human Evaluators Meet Automated Metrics, p.17-21, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002.









  • Issues in Natural Language Systems Evaluation , King M. and Maegaard B., in: First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada Spain, vol. 1, pp. 225-230, 1998.
  • Workflow, Computer Aids and Organisational Issues , King M., in: Proceedings of the EAMT Workshop, WHO, Geneva, 2-3 April 1998, pp. 29-40.
  • Language Resources and Evaluation , King M., in: Proceedings of the International Conference NLP+IA/TAL+AI 98, Mouncton, NB, Canada, 1998.
  • ARCADE: A Cooperative Research Project on Parallel Text Alignement Evaluation, Langlais P., Simard M., Véronis J., Armstrong S., Bonhomme P., Debili F., Isabelle P., Souissi E. and Théron P., in: First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada Spain, vol. 1, pp. 289-292, 1998.
  • Multilingual Corpora for Cooperation, Armstrong S., Kempen M., McKelvie D., Petitpierre D., Rapp R. and Thompson H.S., in: First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Granada Spain, vol. 2, pp. 975-980, 1998.
  • Polymorphie et Sémantique Lexicale : le cas des adjectifs, Bouillon P., Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Lille, 1998.
  • La traduction automatique : que peut-on attendre?, Bouillon P. and Fontenelle T., in: Humanisme et Entreprise 232, Déc. 1998, pp. 13-40.
  • Développement de lexiques à grande échelle , Bouillon P., Lehmann S., Manzi S. and Petitpierre D., in: Actes du Colloque des journées LTT de TUNIS, 1998, pp. 71-80.
  • DiET - Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Natural Language Processing Applications , Netter K., Armstrong S., Kiss T., Klein J., Lehmann S., Milward D., Regnier-Prost S., Schäler R. and Wegst T.,, in: Proceedings of the first international Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation", Granada, pp. 573-579, 1998.
  • Construction and Annotation of Test-Items in DiET , Klein J., Lehmann S., Netter K. and Wegst T., in: Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation, ESSLLI-98 Workshop, Saarbrücken.
  • A verb like "attendre": the Point of View of "Generative Lexicon", Bouillon P. and Busa F., in: Second Multilinguality in the Lexicon Workshop, ECAI98, August 25th 1998, pp. 9-15.
  • Traitement automatique des langues naturelles, Bouillon P, Vandooren F., Da Sylva L., Jacqmin L., Lehmann S., Russell G. and Viegas E., Duculot, 1998.



  • The use of Corpora in NLP and SLP, Armstrong A. and Draxler, C., in: Elsnews, February, 6.1, pp. 12-13.
  • Inférence statistique de structures sémantiques , Bouillon P., Lehmann S. and Petitpierre D., in: 1ères JST97 FRANCIL de l'AUPELF, Avignon, 1997, pp. 147-151.
  • TSNLP - Des phrases-test pour le TALN, Estival D. and Lehmann S., in: T.A.L., vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 155-171.
  • Evaluation Translation, King M., in: Machine Translation and Translation Theory, Proceedings of the EAMT Workshop Hildesheim 1994, 1997, Springer Verlag.
  • Defining a methodology for designing evaluations: Standards and Sharing, King M., in: The ELRA Newsletter, vol.2, 3, pp.5-7, 1997.
  • The Next Big Thing: Position Statements, King M., Singh M.P., Bobrow D., Hayes-Roth B., Huhns M.N., Kitano H. and Reiter R., in: The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 1997.
  • Automatic Acquisition of Two-Level Morphological Rules, Theron P., Cloete I., in: Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Washinghton, 1997, pp. 103-110.



  • On the notion of validity and the evaluation of MT systems, King M., in: H. Somers (ed), Terminology, LSP and translation: Studies in language engineering in honour of Juan C. Sager, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1996, pp. 189-203.
  • Multext: Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora, Armstrong S., in: Lexikon und Text, Sonderdruck aus Lexicographica, Series Maior, Band 73, Max Niemeyer Verlag. Tübingen, 1996, pp. 107-119.
  • Les belles Infidèles : Fidelity as a criterion of good translation, King M., in: B.H. Partee and P. Sgall (eds), Discourse and Meaning, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1996, pp. 307-320.
  • Mental State Adjectives: the Perspective of Generative Lexicon , Bouillon P., in: Coling96, Copenhagen, 1996, pp. 143-148.
  • Un lexique génératif : Une alternative au traitement de la polysémie - Le cas des adjectifs qui dénotent un état mental, Bouillon P., in: Lexicomatique et Dictionnairiques, Actes du Colloque de Lyon, 1996, pp. 359-369.
  • Adapting the Core Language Engine to French and Spanish , Rayner M., Carter D. and Bouillon P., in: Proceedings of the International Conference NLP+IA/TAL+AI 96, Mouncton, NB, Canada, 1996, pp. 224-232.
  • Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems, King M., in: Special edition of Communications of the ACM on Natural Language Processing, Vol. 39, No 1, Jan. 1996, pp. 73-79.
  • Human Factors and User Acceptability, King M., in: NSF-CEC Joint Survey on Speech and Natural Language Processing.
  • TSNLP -- Test Suites for Natural Language Processing , Lehmann S., Oepen S. et al., in: Coling96, Copenhagen, 1996, pp. 711-716.
  • TSNLP -- Des jeux de phrases-test pour l'évaluation d'applications dans le domaine du TALN , Lehmann S., Estival D. and Oepen S., in: Actes de TALN 1996 (Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel), Marseille, 1996, pp. 97-103.
  • Working towards User-oriented Evaluation , Manzi S., King M. and Douglas S., in: Proceedings of the International Conference NLP+IA/TAL+AI 96, Mouncton, NB, Canada, 1996, pp. 155-160.



  • An Open Architecture for Multilingual Text Processing, Armstrong-Warwick S., Russell G., Petitpierre D. and Robert G., in: Proceedings of the ACL SIGDAT Workshop, From Texts to Tags: Issues in Multilingual Text Analysis, Dublin, pp. 30-34, 1995.
  • Automated Lexical Resources in Europe: A Survey, Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Automating the Lexicon, D. Walker and A. Zampolli (eds.), Clarendon Press, pp. 357-397, 1995.
  • A Review of Dinsmore: Partitioned Representations, Ballim A., In: Minds and Machines, Vol.5, no 2, 1995.
  • Wspomagana komputerowo korekta tekstów pisanych w jezyku polskim, Daciuk J, in: Computer Aided Correction of Texts Written in Polish, Seminarium Jezyk i Technologia 1995 (Language and Technology Seminar 1995), Poznan, 1995.
  • TEMAA: an Evaluation Methodology for Writers' Aids, Douglas S., Manzi S. and Maegaard B., in: AI'95, 15th International Conference, Montpellier, June 1995.
  • Grammars and Reusability , Estival D., in: Proceedings of SWAN21, Geneva, September 1993, pp. 67-79, 1995.
  • style="text-align:justify"Traitement Automatique des Langues: état des lieux, King M., in: AFLA, 1995.
  • The Evaluation of NLP Systems , King M., in: Swan21 Proceedings, Geneva, pp. 97-109, 1995.
  • SdT: A Case Study, King M., Report commissioned by DG XIII of the European Commission, 1995.
  • A Modular Organization for TFS Grammar , Lehmann S., Estival D. and van der Kraan M., in: Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik, DGfS/CL95, Düsseldorf, pp. 55-60, 1995.
  • Préface, Lehmann S., R'émeûdre ci patois, Florilége, Porrentruy, p. 1-2, 1995.
  • Aspectual Coercion and Logical Polysemy , Pustejovsky J. and Bouillon P., in: Journal of Semantics, Vol. 2, no 2, pp. 133-162, 1995.
  • Die maschinelle Identifikation von Wort, Übersetzungen in nicht parallel Texten, Rapp R., Armstrong-Warwick S. and Wettler M., GLDV, Regensburg, 1995.
  • Hybrid Transfer in an English-French Spoken Language Translator , Rayner M. and Bouillon P., in: Actes de IA 95, Montpellier, 26-30 juin 1995, pp. 153-162.
  • DICO, un outil de consultation de dictionnaires en reseaux , Robert G., Journées LTT, Lyon, 1995.



  • Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora, Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Proceedings of LEX+TEXT Workshop, Tübingen, 1994.
  • Using Large Corpora, Armstrong-Warwick S. (ed.), MIT Press, 1994.
  • Acquisition and Exploitation of Textual Resources for NLP, Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Computational Linguistics, Vol IX - X, A. Zampolli, N. Calzolari and M. Palmer, Giardini ed., Pisa, Italy, 1994 (in honour of Don Walker), pp. 451-467.
  • LHIP: Extended DCGs for Configurable Robust Parsing , Ballim A. and Russell G., in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 94, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 501-514, Vol. 1, August 5-9, 1994.
  • La Traductique: études et recherches de traduction par ordinateur, Bouillon P. and Clas A. (eds.), Paris: AUPELF-UREF-FMA, 1994.
  • On the Proper Role of Coercion in Semantic Typing, Bouillon P. and Pustejowsky J., in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistcs, COLING 94, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
  • A Semi-Polymorphic Approach to the Interpretation of Adjectival Construction: A Cross Linguistc Perspective, Bouillon P. and Viegas E., in: Proceedings of Euralex, Amsterdam, 1994.
  • Aspects multilingues de la composition nominale, Bouillon P. and Estival D., in: Actes des troisièmes journées Noms Composés, Genève, ISSCO, December 1994.
  • Statystyczna metoda polonizacji tekstów, Daciuk J. and Jedruch A., in: Statistical Method of Restoring Diacritics in Texts in Polish, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, (State Symposium of Telecommunication), Bydgoszcz, 1994.
  • Zastosowania przetwarzania jezyka naturalnego, Daciuk J., (Natural Language Processing Applications), in: Proceedings of Informatyka na Wyzszych Uczelniach dla Gospodarki Narodowej (Computer Science at Universities for National Economy), Gdansk, 1994.
  • Contexte et Inférence, Estival D. and Gayral F., in: T.A.L., Vol. 35, no 1, pp. 19-36,1994.
  • Compte rendu de lecture: Anne Abeillé - Les nouvelles syntaxes: grammaires d'unification et analyse du français, Estival D., in: Cahiers de praxématique, Montpellier, pp. 181-185, 1994.
  • Environnements de Génie Linguistique , Estival D., Actes des Journées TALN'94: Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel en France Aujourd'hui. Table ronde Environnements et Applications. TALN'94, Marseille, 1994.
  • DICO: An Online Dictionary Consultation Tool, Estival D. and Petitpierre D., in: Early Dictionary Databases - Les Bases de Dictionnaires anciens, I. Lancashire and T. Russon (eds.), Wooldridge. CCH Working Papers 4. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto, 1994.
  • Grammaires d'unification à traits et contrôle des infinitives en français by Karine Baschung , Estival D., in: Computational Linguistics, Vol. 20, no 4, December, 1994.
  • Evaluation of MT Software and Methods, King M., in: ASLIB Proceedings, Vol. 46, no 7/8, July/August 1994, pp. 179-183.
  • Vestiges d'un patois: la situation des patois jurassiens, Lehmann S., in: Actes 1994 de la Société d'Émulation, Porrentruy, pp. 115-144, 1994.
  • Kontextsensitive Rechtschreibfehlerkorrektur auf der Basis von Wortnachbarschaften, Rapp R. and Wettler M., in: D.W. Halwachs, I. Stuetz (eds.), Sprache, Sprechen, Handeln. Akten des 28 Linguistischen Kolloquium, Graz 1993. Vol. 2, Tübingen, Niemeyer, pp. 341-348, 1994.
  • Semantic Lexicons: The Cornersone for Lexical Choice in NLG , Viegas E. and Bouillon P., in: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on NLG, Maine, June 1994.



  • Acquisition and Exploitation of Textual Resources for NLP, Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Building and Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 56-68
  • Propositional Attitude Framework Requirements, Ballim A., in: Journal for Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, JETAI, no 5, pp. 89-100, 1993.
  • Macro and Micro Attributions of Mental Attitudes to Agents, Ballim A., in: AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning about Mental States, pp. 10-19, 1993.
  • Quelques notions de stylistique pour le système de traduction des avalanches, Bouillon P. and Boesefeldt K., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas (eds.), 1993.
  • Compound Nouns in a Unification-Based MT System, Bouillon P., Boesefeldt K. and Russell G., in: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Trento, 1993.
  • Introduction générale à la traduction automatique, Bouillon P., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas (eds.), 1993.
  • Using Function Words to Measure Translation Quality, des Tombe L. and Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED, Oxford, 1993, pp. 1-18.
  • Reversible Grammars and Their Application to Machine Translation, Estival D., in: Strzalkowski (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 293-316, 1993.
  • Grammaires d'unification et traduction automatique, Estival D., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas, (eds.), 1993.
  • Compte-rendu de lecture: K. Baschung: Grammaires d'unification à traits et contrôle des infinitives en français, Estival D., in: T.A. Informations, T.A.L., Vol. 33, no 1-2, pp. 230-235, 1993.
  • Grammars and Reusability, Estival D., in: Proceedings of SWAN21, Geneva, September 1993, pp. 67-79, 1995.
  • Acheter un système de traduction automatique aujourd'hui, Falkedal K., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas (eds.), 1993.
  • style="text-align:justify"Collocations, Dictionaries and MT, Heylen D., Maxwell K. and Armstrong-Warwick S., in: Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Machine Translation and the Lexicon, Stanford, Califormia, 1993.
  • Sur l'évaluation des systèmes de traduction assistée par ordinateur, King M., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas, (eds.), 1993.
  • Evaluation of MT Software and Methods, King M., ASLIB, 1993.
  • L'évaluation, King M., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas (eds.), 1993.
  • L'évaluation et ses finalités, King M., in: Compte rendu des Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'UREF: Traductique, TA-TAO, Montréal, 1993.
  • Kontextsensitive Rechtschreibfehlerkorrektur auf der Basis von Wortnachbarschaften, Rapp R. and Wettler M., in: D.W. Halwachs, I. Stuetz (eds.), Sprache, Sprechen, Handeln. Akten des 28 Linguistischen Kolloquium, Graz 1993. Vol. 2, Tübingen, Niemeyer, pp. 341-348, 1994.
  • Associative Lexical Nets, Rapp R. et al, in: Abstracts of the International Conference on the Psychology of Language and Communication. Glasgow, Scotland, 1993.
  • L'analyse sémantique en TAO, Russell G., in: TA-TAO: Recherches de point et applications immédiates, P. Bouillon and A. Clas (eds.), Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, pp. 243-257, 1993.
  • Sémantique et traduction automatique, Russell G., in: La Traductique, P. Bouillon and A. Clas, (eds.), 1993.
  • Pour l'analyse des sous-langages en traduction automatique, Russell G. and Bouillon P., in: TA-TAO: Recherches de point et applications immédiates, P. Bouillon and A. Clas, (eds.), Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1993.
  • Associative Text Analysis of Advertisement, Wettler M. and Rapp R., in: Marketing and Research Today, Vol. 21, no 4, pp. 241-246, 1993.
  • Computation of Word Associations Based on the Co-occurences of Words in Large Corpora, Wettler M. and Rapp R., in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 84-93, 1993.
  • Freie Assoziationen und Kontiguitäten von Wörtern in Texten, Wettler M., Rapp R. and Ferber R., in: Zeitschrift für Psychologie. Vol. 201, pp. 99-108, 1993.



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