Colloques et conférences

26 mai 2008 - Conférence publique du Prof. Martin KAY

Le professeur Martin KAY de l'Université de Stanford et Docteur Honoris Causa de l'Université de Genève, donnera une conférence publique intitulée "What should a translator mean by "meaning" ?". La conférence aura lieu le lundi 26 mai, de 16h15 à 17h00, à Uni-Mail , salle 6050, 6ème étage .

Résumé :
It is generally held that the first duty of a translator is to the meaning of the text. The translation should reproduce as closely as possible the sequence of meanings expressed by the original. But, if meaning means what semanticists mean by it, then there must, in fact, be at least one higher goal. More important than the meaning of the text, are the set of its referents and, maintaining meanings, however strictly, does not ensure that referents will be maintained.

20 mai 2008