Colloques et conférences

13 mars 2015 : Localizing Web apps: How far should localization go?

Conférence donnée par Dr. Johann Roturier, Symantec Research Labs
le vendredi 13 mars 2015 à 11h00 en salle M6093

In this talk, I will use two Web application examples to review multiple internationalization and localization tasks in the light of recent advances in the field. Specifically, I will focus on the ACCEPT Portal, an open-source demonstration and experimentation Web application that was created during the FP7 ACCEPT project. Since this application supports content editing and evaluation activities, it raises challenging localization-related issues. I will also briefly review a small mobile-ready Web application to illustrate a different set of localization challenges.

Dr. Johann Roturier works in Symantec Research Labs, where he focuses on delivering innovations related to language technologies. His background is in localization, an area where he has occupied multiple positions ranging from linguistic quality assurance to project management. He is also the author of the forthcoming book "Localizing Apps: A practical guide for translators and translation students"

23 février 2015