
Pflieger Géraldine

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  Géraldine Pflieger is a full professor of urban and environmental policy at the University of Geneva (Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences and Institute of Environmental Sciences).

She holds a PhD in urban planning from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris), and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, before joining the EPFL as a researcher from 2003 to 2008, and then the University of Lausanne as an assistant professor from 2008 to 2010. She joined the University of Geneva in 2010 as a lecturer and then became a professor in 2014. Since 2015, she has co-directed the UNESCO Chair in Hydropolitics at UNIGE with Christian Bréthaut.

In 2017, she became Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, which brings together five partner faculties and trains students in the themes of water, climate change, biodiversity protection, regional planning and the energy transition.

From 2020, at the suggestion of the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences and by appointment of the Federal Council, she became associate negotiator and science representative on the Swiss delegation responsible for climate negotiations at the COPs.

CV Géraldine Pflieger


Her research focuses on climate policies and water resource management policies at local, regional and international levels, as well as on changes in the way urban areas are governed in the face of major contemporary infrastructural and environmental challenges.



Governance of water resources, international climate and environmental policies, urban policy, transport, town planning.


  • BASPO/BARI: Cours Politiques internationales de l’environnement
  • MASPO: Globalisation 2
  • MDT: Politiques et Gouvernance urbaine
  • MUSE: FND Politique de l’environnement
  • MUSE: Thématique Climat : Cours “Gouvernance des biens communs planétaires »
  • MUSE: Thématique Eau, cours Politiques et gouvernance de l’eau

MOOC - Gestion et politique de l'eau

CAS - Gestion et politique de l'eau






Prof. Géraldine Pflieger

Professeure Ordinaire - Directrice de l'Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement

+41 22 379 07 98
