
Jean-Luc Loizeau

Dr Jean-Luc Loizeau

Maître d'enseignement et de recherche. Sédimentologie lacustre, datations radio- isotopiques, historique des pollutions lacustres

+41 22 379 03 19


depuis 1999 « Maître d’enseignement et de recherche » (Senior lecturer), Université de Genève
1992 - 1998 « Maître-assistant » (Lecturer), Université de Genève, Suisse
1991 - 1992 Post-doc, Smithsonian Institution (Prof. D. Stanley), Washington D.C., USA
1987 - 1991 Assistant, section des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Genève, Suisse
1983 - 1984 Géologue de terrain (4 months), Boliden Mineral AB, Suède
1982 Géologue de terrain (3 months), Uromine project SNF, Suisse


1981 - 1985 Bachelor en Sciences de la Terre, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève
1985 - 1987 MSc en Sciences de la Terre, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève
1987 - 1991 PhD en Sciences de la Terre « Recent sedimentation in the Rhone delta, Lake Geneva:
processes and evolution », Université de Genève


Recherche axée sur

Environmental sedimentology, geochemistry and chronology of lake and reservoir sediments (Lakes Geneva, Lugano, Annecy and Nantua (F), Babeni (RO), … and the anthropogenic impacts

  •  Transport of contaminants in lakes using natural radioactive surrogates
  •  Role of colloids in the transport of hydrophobic contaminants (mainly trace metals)

 Manager of the environmental radioactivity and particle and colloid grain-size laboratories at the Institut F.-A. Forel


MSc course Introduction to System Analysis for the master in environmental sciences
MSc course Environmental modelling for the master in environmental sciences
MSc course Structure and functioning of aquatic systems for the master in environmental sciences
MSc course Environmental radioactivity (with Dr C. Degueldre)
MSc practical training Sediments and contaminants for the master in environmental sciences
MSc practical training Analysis of a watershed, Piora valley (TI) for the master in environmental sciences
Participation to various courses on aquatic systems at the University to Geneva and Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL)
Management of the diploma in natural environmental sciences of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne (1993-2007)
Direction of master and PhD theses on aquatic ecosystems
ERASMUS coordinator for environmental sciences at the University of Geneva


Membre des commissions suivantes

  • Swiss Commission for Oceanography and Limnology, treasurer, (Swiss Academy of Sciences) (2000 - present)
  •  Scientific committee of the CIPEL (Commission Internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman) (2011- present)
  •  Member of the Federal Commission for Protection against radiations and radioactivity monitoring (2013-present)
  •  Evaluation panel of SCOPES (SNF) projects (2011-2013)
  •  Hydrology Commission (Swiss Academy of Sciences) (2003-2005)

  Expertises scientifiques

 Reviewer for scientific journals

Applied Geochemistry, Aquatic Geochemistry, Aquatic Sciences, Archives des Sciences, Catena, Environmental Chemistry Letters, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, Environmental Sciences and Technology, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Lakes and Reservoirs, Sedimentology, Water Research


En tant que titulaire

 En tant que co-requérant


Associations Scientifique

Société Géologique Suisse, Société Suisse d’Hydrologie et de Limnologie, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Société Académique de Genève, Société de physique et d’histoire naturelle (Genève)


Pro Natura - Ligue suisse pour la protection de la Nature, Nos Oiseaux, Groupe ornithologique du bassin genevois (GOBG), Association suisse pour la protection des oiseaux (ASPO)


Musique (piano), photographie, ornithologie, ski alpin
