2nd Rare Voices in Economics Conference
12 & 13 September | Uni Mail
The second Rare Voices in Economics Conference is a 2-day academic event that aims to promote a meaningful exchange among economists of diverse backgrounds and showcases selected high-quality research presentations.
The keynote speakers are Professor Alejandra Ramos (Trinity College Dublin) and Professor Lakshmi Iyer (University of Notre Dame).
As part of the conference, a public roundtable on "The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic and Subsequent Countermeasures on Minorities in Academia" will be held on Monday 12 September.
The event welcomes all economic research fields and is supported by the Geneva School of Economics and Management, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, and the University of Lausanne.
The conference is organized by the Rare Voices in Economics; an initiative founded in 2019 by Ph.D. students in Economics at the University of Geneva, the Graduate Institute, the University of Lausanne, and EPFL. The initiative aims to create an inclusive and challenging academic environment that supports diverse voices within the economics profession and provides a safe space for young researchers to receive feedback and gain visibility.
> For more information, visit the event website.
> To view the full conference program, click here.