

Full Professor
Institute of Management

Director, Innovation and Partnerships

Ph.D., Vienna University of Economics and Business

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+41 22 379 82 03

Short bio

Tina C. Ambos is Professor of International Management and the Director of the Institute of Management. 

Before joining the University of Geneva in September 2015, she was a professor at the University of Sussex, where she also served as the Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange for the Business and Management Department. Earlier she held the chair of the Department of International Management at Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria as well as positions at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna), the University of Edinburgh and London Business School. She studied in Austria, Australia and Canada and received a Venia Docendi (Habilitation), a Ph.D. and a Magister (Mag.rer.soc.oec) in business administration from WU Vienna and a Magister degree (Mag.phil) in Philosophy from the University of Vienna.

Tina Ambos’ research and teaching interests include knowledge management, innovation and strategic management of the multinational corporation. During her career she has worked with several multinational corporations as well as entrepreneurial technology firms on case studies, research and consulting projects. Her research in this field is regularly presented at the leading international conferences and has been published in top international journals, amongst others Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, Long Range Planning, Journal of Management Studies. She is the author of the book “Effective Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations” published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Since 2015, Tina is Associate Editor for Long Range Planning. She also serves on the Consulting Editors Board of the Journal of International Business Studies and the editorial review boards of Management International Review, Global Strategy Journal, and polylog. Zeitschrift für Interkulturelles Philosophieren.

She is also the Academic Director of the International Organizations MBA (IO-MBA). (http://iomba.unige.ch).

Research & publications

O’Brien, D., Sharkey Scott, P., Andersson, U., Ambos, T.C & Fu, N.(2018 forthcoming) The Micro-Foundations of Subsidiary Initiatives: How Subsidiary Manager Activities Unlock Entrepreneurship, Global Strategy Journal.

Birkinshaw, J., Ambos, T.C., Bouquet, C. (2017): The Corporate HQ as a Boundary Spanner. Insights from a Process Study, Journal of Management Studies, 54 (4), pp. 422-454.

Ambos, T.C. & Müller-Stewens, G. (2017): Rethinking Strategy-Making in the Multidivisional Firm: A Retrospective, Special Issue Introduction, Long Range Planning, 50 (1), pp. 8-16. 

Ambos, T.C., Ambos, B., Eich, K.J., Puck, J. (2016): Imbalance and Isolation: How Team Configurations Affect Global Knowledge Sharing, Journal of International Management, 22 (4), pp. 316-322.

Semrau, T., Ambos, T.C., Kraus, S. (2016): Entrepreneurial Orientation and SME Performance Across Societal Cultures: An International Study, Journal of Business Research, 69, (5) pp. 1928-1932.

Kraus, S., Ambos, T.C., Eggers, F. & Cesinger, B. (2015), Distance and Perceptions of Risk in Internationalization Decisions: A Conjoint Choice Experiment, Journal of Business Research.

Strutzenberger, A. & Ambos, T.C. (2014): Unravelling the Subsidiary Initiative Process: A Multilevel Approach, International Journal of Management Reviews, 16 (3), pp. 314-339.

Ambos T.C., Nell, P. & Pedersen, T. (2013): The Complementarity of Knowledge Stocks and Flows Within and Across Value-Chain Functions, Global Strategy Journal, 3, pp. 183-299.

Ambos, T.C., Andersson, U. & Birkinshaw, J. (2010): What are the Consequences of Initiative-Taking in Multinational Subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (7), pp. 1099-1118. (lead article)

 Ambos, T.C. & Birkinshaw, J. (2010): How do New Ventures Evolve? An Inductive Study of the Process of Charter Change in Technology Ventures, Organization Science, 21, pp. 1125-1140. (lead article)

Ambos, T.C., Schlegelmilch, B.B., Ambos, B. & Brenner, B. (2009): Evolutions of Organizational Structure in the Internationalization of Banks: The Case of UniCredit Group in CEE, Long Range Planning, 42, pp. 633-653.

Ambos, T.C. & Ambos, B. (2009): The Impact of Distance on Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness in Multinational Corporations, Journal of International Management, 15 (1), pp. 1-14. (lead article)

Ambos, T.C., Mäkelä, K, Birkinshaw, J. and D’Este; P. (2008): When does university research get commercialized? Institutional and individual-level predictors of commercial outputs from research-council funded projects, Journal of Management Studies, 45 (8), pp. 1424-1427.

Birkinshaw, J., Bouquet, C., Ambos, T.C. (2007): Managing Attention in the Global Company, MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer, pp. 39-45.

Ambos, T.C., Ambos, B. & Schlegelmilch, B.B. (2006): Learning from the Periphery: An Empirical Investigation of Headquarters’ Benefits from Reverse Knowledge Transfers, International Business Review, 15 (3), pp. 294-312.

Schlegelmilch, B.B & Chini, T.C. (2003): Knowledge Transfer between Marketing Functions in Multinational Companies: A Conceptual Model, International Business Review 12 (2), pp. 215-232.


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