Direction & gouvernance

Salvatore DI FALCO

Vice-doyen à la recherche et aux affaires professorales

Professeur ordinaire
Institute of Economics and Econometrics

Ph.D., Université d'York

Uni Mail - 5272
+41 22 379 82 79

Recherche & publications

Jean-Paul Chavas and Salvatore Di Falco. Resilience, Weather and Dynamic of Adjustements  in Agroecosystems: The case of Wheat Yield in England. Environmental and Resource Economics

Erwin Bulte, Gonne Beekman, Salvatore Di Falco, Lei Pan, and Joseph Hella. Behavioral responses and the impact of new agricultural technologies: Evidence from a double-blind field experiment in Tanzania. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (3)

Salvatore Di Falco and Marcella Veronesi . Managing Environmental Risk in Presence of Climate Change: The Role of Adaptation in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia. Environmental and Resource Economics 57 (4)


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