Archives conférences et colloques

PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Environmental Impact of Refugee Camps: Lessons from Ethiopia and Djibouti


A research team from Georgetown University led by Prof. Susan Martin and Prof. Mark Giordano will discuss how the environmental impact of refugee camps on refugees, host communities and their ecologies has become an operational area of concern.

Jeudi 4 mai à 18h15
Uni Mail, Salle M 1193

Entrée libre

Speakers :

Dr. Douglas A. Howard
Associate Professor, geomorphologist at Georgetown University

Dr. Lahra Smith
Political Scientist and Associate Professor in the African Studies Program at Georgetown University

Lara Kinne and Nili Sarit Yossinger
Research Project Managers at Georgetown University

Plus d'infos:

4 mai 2017
  Archives conférences 2017