
Food and religious pluralisms: comparing China and the Mediterranean world

L'Unité d'histoire des religions et l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève organisent un colloque sur le thème "Food and religious pluralisms: comparing China and the Mediterranean world". La plupart des interventions seront données en anglais, sans traduction.

Cet événement aura lieu le vendredi 21 et le samedi 22 septembre, de 9h30 à 17h30.

Voici un descriptif de l'événement, pour plus de détails se référer au programme disponible plus bas :

The Confucius Institute in Geneva organizes every other year an international conference devoted to looking at Chinese religions in a comparative perspective. The theme of pluralism runs through this series of conferences as a way to engage the comparative exercise.

The first conference, devoted to comparing Indian and Chinese forms of religious pluralism was held in May 2016. This second conference directs the comparative gaze at the Mediterranean world on the longue durée (from antiquity to the present) and focuses on the comparative question of “food pluralism.” This notion encompasses the various attitudes and approaches to sacrifice and sacrificial foods that exist in both the Chinese and the Mediterranean worlds (from radical rejection of sacrifice and vegetarianism, to selective taboos on specific animals and meats), the situations of food-sharing or avoidance that these attitudes create, as well as religion-informed food cultures.

Participants will bring in different disciplinary approaches (anthropology, sociology, history, religious studies, philosophy) to think comparatively how the plurality of food cultures and tastes and the plurality of religions relate to each other. They will explore two worlds that have in common both a long-standing religious diversity and passion for identifying oneself through what and with whom one eats and drinks.

Entrée libre, places limitées.

Inscription et renseignements : ic(at) ou +41 22 379 07 30



15 août 2018