Meet the team

Prof Karl Blanchet


As the Academic Director of InZone, Karl spearheads InZone’s vision and mission. He oversees the design and implementation of InZone research projects and promotes its role in pedagogical innovation and the development of Higher Education in Emergencies programs.  

 Karl Blanchet is also the Director of the Geneva Centre for education and research in humanitarian action (CERAH) and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva.

 Karl has been working in health systems research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine since 2010 and was appointed as the co-director of the Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre in 2016. He has a management and public health background and has extensive experience in humanitarian contexts as a relief worker and a researcher. His research focuses on resilience issues in global health, specifically in post-conflict and conflict-affected countries. He has developed innovative research approaches based on complexity science and system thinking, and is currently focused on developing and testing people-centred methodological approaches for refugee populations in the Middle East.

Prof Blanchet is a member of the technical working group on Research on Global Health Emergencies at the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. He is also a core member of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on support to countries with fragile or challenging operating environments,  and a member of the WHO technical working group on Health Systems Assessment and the WHO technical working group on SRH in emergencies.

In January 2021 Prof. Blanchet has been nominated to represent the University of Geneva in the Steering Committee of the Geneva Hub for Education in Emergencies, a new initiative of the Swiss Government. 

His 2020 Professor inaugural lecture on evidence in humanitarian public health can be found here.



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