AELLA - Association des Etudiant-e-s
The Association des Étudiant.e.s en Langue et Littérature Anglaises (AELLA) is the English department’s student association. Our main aim is to promote and celebrate anglophone literatures and cultures within the department by organizing cultural and social events. We organize gatherings throughout the year (apéros, game nights) and we are planning a study trip to Dublin in Autumn 2023. We also support and promote the English Department's activities. In addition, we run recurring events such as our Book Club, Film Club and Creative Writing Group, which is run by students for students. If there is a project or event you would like to carry out, let us know and we will try to make it happen! The AELLA is also here to make students’ voices heard: we answer any questions students may have, we work out solutions to their problems and we forward their concerns or requests to the Commission Mixte.
The AELLA committee is comprised of regular members and members with a function, which are the presidency, the secretariat, the treasury and communication management. The committee is elected at the Assemblée Générale meeting, which occurs once per semester.
The AELLA is open to non-active members who are informed of the activities of the committee regularly by e-mail and get to vote at the Assemblée Générale meeting.
This semester, the members of the committee are:
Christina Zholdokova, MA student, president.
Alexandra Brites, BA student, secretary.
Noémie Carole Gallay, MA student, treasurer.
Claudia Carrillo Gonzalez, MA student, graphist.
Christophe Neves Urbano, BA student, logistician.
Daniela Matias, MA student.
Miranda Vivien Stirnimann Althaus, BA student.
Vanesa Ordolli, BA student.
Caique Cardoso, BA student.
Peter James Kennedy, BA student.
If you are interested in what we do, you can follow us on Instagram. If you want to ask us questions, submit project ideas, become a member or get information about our events, you can contact us via our Facebook and Instagram pages or via our e-mail address: .