
Geneva Centre for Philosophy of Science

The Geneva Centre for Philosophy of Science promotes discussions among philosophers and scientists on various topics including new theoretical and methodological developments of science, its history and its practice and their relation to the philosophical questions of epistemic, ontological and metaphysical nature.

The Centre is co-directed by Professor Marcel Weber and by Professor Christian Wüthrich leading respectively the following groups


Geneva Symmetry Group (GSG)

Our members are based in different institutions at the Universities of Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, and Milan and we organise conferences, seminars, workshops and other events with groups from leading universities around the world.

Members in Geneva

Department of Philosophy

Augustin Baas (Geneva)
William Bausman (Geneva)
Lorenzo Casini (Geneva)
Pablo Carnino (Geneva)
Karen Crowther (Geneva)
Michal Hladky (Geneva)
Maximilian Huber (Geneva)
Baptiste Le Bihan (Geneva)
Niels Linnemann (Geneva)
Andrea Loettgers (Geneva)
Guillaume Schlaepfer (Geneva)
Raphael Scholl (Geneva)
Marcel Weber (Geneva)
Christian Wüthrich (Geneva)

Other departments

Bruno Strasser (Geneva)

External members

Christine Clavien (Geneva)
Michael Esfeld (Lausanne)
Pierre-Luc Germain (Milan)
Marie I. Kaiser (Cologne)
François Pellet (Münster)
Christian Sachse (Lausanne)
Pietro Snider (Basel)

Our research projects

From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics
sinergia project : Grounding – Metaphysics, Science, and Logic
What if? : Counterfactual Thinking and Thought Experiments
Beyond Spacetime
- Philosophy of quantum gravity (Christian Wüthrich, Nick Huggett)
Southern California Philosophy of Physics Group
Inferentialism, Bayesianism and Scientific Explanation

Kindred groups

University of Minnesota Biological Interest Group
University of Exeter Biological Interest Group

Visit us

If you are interested in cooperation or participation to the activities of the Geneva Centre for Philosophy of Science, please do not hesitate to contact either Professor Marcel Weber or Professor Christian Wüthrich.

Marcel Weber 
Département de Philosophie 
Université de Genève 
2, rue de Candolle 
CH-1211 Genève 4 
Tél.: +41.22.379.7050 (secrétariat) 
Email: Marcel.Weber(at)

Christian Wüthrich
Département de Philosophie 
Université de Genève 
2, rue de Candolle 
CH-1211 Genève 4 
Tél.: +41.22.379.7050 (secrétariat) 
Email: Christian.Wuthrich(at)

Calendar of events

Workshops, Conferences
8-9 June 2017
Bastions, B214

Talks, Presentations

14 June 2017
Bastions, B101
Quodlibeta special
Bas van Fraassen (Princeton)
After Hempel's Dilemma: On the Evidence of Things Unseen

Regular events
TUESDAYS 12h15 - 13h45
Bâtiment des Philosophes, PHIL 102

WEDNESDAYS 12h15 - 13h45
Bastions/Aile Jura, A206
Philosophy of Science seminar

WEDNESDAYS 18h00 - 19h45
Landolt L107
Beyond Spacetime seminars

THURSDAYS 16h15 - 17h45
Bastions, B002
Geneva Symmetry Group meetings


Past events

Workshops, Conferences

17 May 2016
Miloud Belkoniene
on Explanationism and Truthlike Explanations
2, Rue De-Candolle, 405A
23 March 2016
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107
Jonathan Dorsey (Texas Tech):
Defining the Physical
14 January 2016, 16:15
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107
Sebastian de Haro (University of Amsterdam and University of Cambridge): 
Emergence in Gauge/Gravity Dualities
15 December 2015, 12:15
2, Rue De-Candolle
Raphael Scholl
The irrelevance of unconceived alternatives: On two types of inference in biological science

1 December 2015, 12:15
2, Rue De-Candolle
Michal Hladky
On simulation models in neuroscience
17 November 2015, 12:15
2, Rue De-Candolle
Marcel Weber
Which kind of causal specificity matters biologically?
11 November 2015, 16:15
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107
Kerry McKenzie (University of California, San Diego): 
Against brute fundamentalism

28 October 2015, 16:15
Daniele Oriti (Albert Einstein Institute, Golm):
If space and time are emergent (in quantum gravity), what is cosmology?
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107

21 October 2015, 16:15
Michael Esfeld (Lausanne):
Relationalism about space-time and the essence of matter
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107

7 October 2015, 16:15
Vincent Lam (Lausanne) (and Christian Wüthrich, Geneva):
Functional emergence of spacetime in quantum gravity
2, Rue De-Candolle, Room L107