2016, January 24 - 30 Geometry&Topology Winter school will take place in Engelberg: https://sites.google.com/site/swissmapgt3/ 2016, January 10 - January 15, Math Physics school in Les Diablerets: http://www.unige.ch/math/folks/podkopaeva/diablerets2016/participants.html 2015, 7-9 September, Engelberg, SwissMAP general meeting http://www.nccr-swissmap.ch/events/swissmap-general-meeting-0 2015, September 15–18, Les Diablerets, Conference "Tropical Geometry in the Alps", https://www.math.uni-sb.de/wiki/doku.php?id=ag-seite:ag-markwig:conferences:tropalps 2015, May 25 - May 30,Gökova, Turkey, TWENTY-SECOND GÖKOVA GEOMETRY / TOPOLOGY CONFERENCE http://gokovagt.org/2015/index.html 2015, 22-26 June, Les Diablerets, Second SwissMAP Geometry&Topology conference, http://www.nccr-swissmap.ch/events/second-swissmap-geometrytopology-conference 2015, 2-15,26 April - 2 May. **Oberwolfach Workshop:** Tropical Aspects in Geometry, Topology and Physics. 2015, 18-23 Jan, The first **SwissMAP conference**, Engelberg, http://cms.unige.ch/math/tggroup/doku.php?id=swissmapgeometrytopology 2014 Nov 24 - Nov 28, 2014, Saas Fee, Switzerland, Closing conference of the TROPGEO project http://cms.unige.ch/math/tggroup/doku.php?id=tropgeofinal 2014, 6 novembre, Toulouse, Tropical Geometry in Europe http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~bbertrand/TGE/index.html (Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, Lausanne) Tropical geometry in its complex and symplectic aspects http://cib.epfl.ch/ Mon 17 March 2014 - Fri 21 March 2014 Complex-algebraic aspects of tropical geometry http://cib.epfl.ch/PublicEvent.php?event=1005 Mon 16 June 2014 - Fri 20 June 2014 Symplectic aspects of tropical geometry http://cib.epfl.ch/PublicEvent.php?event=1006 Jan 1 - Jun 30, 2014, a tropical program in the Bernoulli Center http://bernoulli.epfl.ch/ May 27 - June 1 Gökova Geometry/Topology conference http://gokovagt.org/2013/index.html June 3-7, "Facets of Geometry" conference http://www.grebsrof.se/fog/ June 10-14, "Cluster Algebras and Tropical Geometry" http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/article1336.html June 16-21, Borel Seminar 2013, http://jones.math.unibas.ch/~blanc/borel2013.html on real and tropical geometry. July 1 - Sep 30, program "Tropical geometry and topology" in the Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn. http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/tropical2013 See also {{:bonn_tropical_program-2.pdf|}}