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nikitakalinin [2015/12/06 18:55] kalinin0nikitakalinin [2018/03/01 07:59] (Version actuelle) kalinin0
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-{{ :ya.jpg?200|}} +my main webpage is http://mathcenter.spb.ru/nikaan/
-My name is Nikita Kalinin. My scientific interests include tropical geometry, sandpiles, algebraic geometry, number theory and education. You can read my CV {{:nikitakalinincv.pdf|}}+
-Also, you can check how tropical curves (and hypersurfaces, in general) emerge from abelian sandpile models: [[tropicalsand|Tropical curves and sandpiles]]+you can check how tropical curves (and hypersurfaces, in general) emerge from abelian sandpile models: [[tropicalsand|Tropical curves and sandpiles]]
-A guide to tropical modifications, in preparation, any comments and question are welcome {{:guide.pdf|}} +popular article about sandpiles in Spanish http://universo.math.org.mx/2015-3/Pilas/arena.html
- +
-Slides for my thesis' defence:   {{:thesis.pdf|}} +
- +
-{{:addendum.pdf| Addendum (about typos) to the article ``The Newton polygon of a planar singular curve and its subdivision''}} +
- +
-Current research: {{:sand.pdf|}},  {{:sandnew.pdf|}}+
 arXiv web page http://arxiv.org/find/all/1/all:+AND+Nikita+Kalinin/0/1/0/all/0/1 arXiv web page http://arxiv.org/find/all/1/all:+AND+Nikita+Kalinin/0/1/0/all/0/1
-I am in charge of our seminars [[batelle|Battelle séminar]], [[fables|Séminaire "Fables Géométriques"]],[[working|Tropical working group seminar]].  
 [[start|To home page of Tropical group]] [[start|To home page of Tropical group]]
nikitakalinin.txt · Dernière modification : 2018/03/01 07:59 de kalinin0