
Laser injury to the caudal vein of a 4 day-old zebrafish

This video was acquired in brightfield with the LMD system. The laser makes a small low-powered circular injury to the blood vessel resulting in the accumulation of blood cells in this area. (Image source: © C.Freire Sanz, GEDEV department, CMU)

This video was acquired in fluorescence with the LMD system.The laser makes a small low-powered circular injury to the blood vessel. These larvae carry a cd41:EGFP transgene giving EGFP positive thrombocytes at this developmental stage. These fishes were a gift from the Zon laboratory, Children’s Hospital Boston. Similar to mammalian platelets, thrombocytes adhere to the site of injury in the seconds following injury, and contribute to a growing blood clot. We are using this model to study the effects of variable fibrinogen levels and fibrinogen quality on thrombocyte activity and clotting. (Image source: ©R. Fish, GEDEV department, CMU)