Doctoral program in Global Health (PhD)

Research requirements

For the doctoral thesis, a global health perspective is essential and should be reflected in the research in the research in a very broad sense: global health is defined as a trans-disciplinary field that involves the implementation of innovative, affordable and sustainable solutions to health issues which transcend national boundaries. Many health issues, although studied locally, are either transnational or have the potential to become global health issues.

  • Pre-doctoral thesis presentation
    During the second year of the program, all students are required to give an oral presentation of their pre-doctoral thesis in front of the Steering Committee of the PhD program. Candidates will be asked to send in a summary of the pre-doctoral thesis one month prior to the scheduled presentation.

  • Doctoral thesis dissertation
    The PhD written dissertation is to be completed under the supervision of the thesis supervisor, together with the co-supervisor (if any) and the doctoral committee. The dissertation should demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the skills and knowledge required to manage an important global health-related program. The dissertation should be the basis of at least two published papers (or fully accepted papers) as first author in the scientific peer-reviewed journal in one of the various fields of global health.

  • Public oral thesis defence
    The public oral thesis defence is presented in front of the thesis Jury chaired by a member of the Steering Committee. Upon positive evaluation by the Jury, and after validation by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the doctoral student will be granted the title of Doctor in Biomedical science - Global Health of the University of Geneva.