

Title Getting a high level of evidence for surgical treatments from routine clinical data. A real-world testing of the SPHN infrastructure
Dates Started in March 2023 to August 2024
Principal investigator Morgan Sangeux (K-Lab, UNIGE/HUG)
Other investigators Stéphane Armand (K-Lab, UNIGE/HUG), Elke Viehweger (UKBB/UNIBAS), Geraldo de Coulon (UNIGE/HUG), Alice Bonnefoy-Mazure (K-Lab, UNIGE/HUG), Giusi Moffa (UNIBAS), Bastian Widmer (UNIBAS), Tobias Thuering (UKBB), Marys Franco Carvalho (K-Lab, UNIGE/HUG), Loïc Fortchantre (HUG), Daniel Teixeira (HUG),
Institutional collaborations Not available.
Funding SPHN Demontrator Projects (Project number: DEM-2022-28
Keywords Cerebral Palsy, Clinical gait analysis, SPHN infrastructure, Interoperability, Treatments, Causal inference
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The EVIGAITCP project aims to improve clinical decision making in ambulant children with cerebral palsy, the first cause of disability in childhood. The infrastructure of the SPHN will be used to merge rich datasets from two pilot centres: the clinical gait analysis services at the Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel and the Geneva University Hospitals. From this unique combined dataset, the EVIGAITCP project will determine the best possible treatments to improve walking in children with cerebral palsy.