Groupe Giovanni Frisoni

Dr Daniele Altomare



Daniele Altomare is a Maître-assistant (i.e. senior postdoctoral researcher) at the Laboratory of Neuroimaging of Aging (LANVIE) (University of Geneva) and at the Geneva Memory Center (Geneva University Hospitals).

Daniele Altomare got his PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, University of Brescia, Italy) in March 2019. His research activities have always been characterized by a translational approach, trying to apply the most advanced neuroimaging techniques to clinical practice with the final goal of achieving an early and differential diagnosis in patients with suspected neurodegenerative diseases, with the main focus on Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, his work has contributed to the production of scientific evidence indicating that amyloid-PET, one of the most recent neuroimaging techniques to assess brain amyloid deposition (conventionally considered as the causative event leading to Alzheimer’s disease dementia), is clinically useful in memory clinic patients.

In 2020, Daniele Altomare was awarded the European Young Researcher Prize (Prix Européen Jeune Chercheur) by the Fondation Recherche Alzheimer for his contribution to the field of Alzheimer’s disease (


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