The german 128K Gram Karte

This card and a sister 512K card, were produced around 1986 by:

Peter Kleinschmidt
Linning 37
D-4044 Kaarst Germany
Phone: 02101/603208

The software in the card ROM was written by Heiner Martin (the guy who wrote the "TI-99/4A Intern" book).


Card structure
CRU map
GRAM access
RAM access 
Bank switching
RAM vs GRAM correspondance
DIP switches settings

The card ROM
Power-up routine
Programs and TI main menu

Loader file formats


The Gram Karte is a GROM emulator: it allows to copy cartridges on floppies and to load them in the card where they will execute normally.

It is controlled via the CRU and its CRU address can be set to any value with DIP switches. Usually, it is >1700.

The card has an 8K ROM, mapping at >4000-5FFF, with the several DSR, subroutines and programs. But most importantly, it has 128K of RAM.

The first 64K of RAM are used to emulate GROMs at access port >9800 (the port is also selected with a DIP switch). Note that the emulation covers the whole range of GROM addresses, from >0000 to >FFFF, which means there are some differences with cartridges:

  • First, when address >x7FF is accessed, the internal memory pointer moves to >x800 and does not loop back to >x000 as with TI GROMs (the same happens at address >xFFF: the pointer moves to the next "GROM").
  • Second: the card conflicts with the console GROMs at addresses >0000-17FF, >2000-37FF and >4000-57FF. The user manual states that the card output drivers are more powerfull and should be able to override the GROMs. There is a possiblity that this would damage the GROMs, although the authors did not experienced such a problem... A CRU bit is used to toggle the override on/off, another bit toggles the whole memory range on/off.
  • The second 64K can be used in two ways.

  • First as an additional GRAM memory, accessed via port >9820 (i.e >0020 apart from the DIP switch-selected port).
  • Second, as RAM memory mapping in the cartridge ROM space, at addresses >6000-7FFF in CPU memory. A CRU bit is provided to write-protect this area, in order to better emulate cartridges ROMs. A convention for cartridges, is that the memory block >7000-7FFF can be toggled between two different pages, by writing to bytes >6000 (for page 0) or >6002 (for page 1). The Gram Karte respects this convention and expands it to 16 pages, selected by writing to corresponding bytes in the range >6000-601E. A CRU bit allows to toggle switching on/off.

  • Note that the second 64K can be accessed both as RAM and as GRAM, if it is necessary. The correspondence between RAM pages and GRAM is designed in such a way that is it possible to have a small module loaded in GRAM at >9820, while still having enough memory for RAM.


    The following is a list of terms I'll be using throughout this document. In most cases, these are "official" definitions, but some (like the distinction between cartridges and modules, or pages and banks) are my own and are only meant to facilitate the discussion.

    If you are not familiar with the concepts of GROM, GRAM and cartridges bank, have a look at the page that describes the console architecture.

    Graphic Read Only Memory. A special kind of ROM, that can be read serially, one byte at a time. It has an internal address pointer, incremented after each access. The standard GROM size is >1800 bytes (6K), but there are some rare OK GROMs (>2000 bytes).
    This is RAM memory with a external electronic circuit that emulates the function of a GROM, but also allows for writing in it.

    GROM port
    A group of 4 addresses in CPU memory, through which a GROM (or GRAM) can be accessed. The 4 addresses are organised as follow:
    >98x0 Read data: bytes can be read one by one from this address.
    >98x2 Read address: the GROM internal memory pointer can be retreived from this address, as two byte (MSB comes first). This is the address of the next byte to be read, plus one (to find current address, DECrement the data word).
    >9Cx0 Write data: bytes can be writen to a GRAM (but not to a GROM) by passing them one by one at this address.
    >9Cx2 Write address: the internal memory pointer can be set to any value (0 to >FFFF), by passing it as two bytes (MSB first) at this address.

    GROM base
    The lowest address in a GROM port (the one used to read data). Theoretically, there can be bases from >9800 to >9BFC by increments of >0004. However, the routines in the console ROMs will only access the first 16 bases: >9800, >9804, >9808,... >981C. Since each port gives access to 64K of GROM/GRAM, 16 bases correspond to 1 megabyte!

    Console GROMs
    There are three 6K GROMs installed in the TI-99/4A console. They contain the power-up program, several math subroutines, and the Basic interpreter. Their addresses are >0000-17FF, >2000-37FF and >4000-57FF. They can be reached from any GROM port.

    Cartridge GROMs
    GROMs with addresses >6000 and above, that can be installed in a cartridge. They can be reached from any GROM port unless the cartridge contains a port selection circuit.

    Cartdridge ROM area
    The CPU memory area between >6000 and >7FFF is available for use by cartridges. Most cartridges have a 8K ROM here, except the Mini-Memory that has a non-volatile RAM in the second half (>7000-7FFF). If a cartridge needs more cpu memory, the 2nd half of the space can be paged.

    Aka "Solid state software", cartridge is plugged in the dedicated port in the front of the console. It can contain upto 5 GROMs with addresses >6000-7FFF, >8000-9FFF, >A000-BFFF, >C000-DFFF and >E000-FFFF. These GROMs generally answer to every GROM base. A cartridge can also contain ROM or RAM to appear in the >6000-7FFF range in cpu memory.

    GRAM card
    A device that emulates one or more cartridges, by providing GRAM and RAM. To emulate more than one cartridge, a gram card must discriminate between the different GROM bases.

    A program installed either in a cartridge or in a GRAM card. A module should contain a standard header, with a list of its contents: programs, DSR, subprograms, or power-up routines.

    A range of memory addresses that can be switched (by the software) between several memory pages. In cartridges, there is a ROM bank at addresses >6000-7FFF that can display one of two 4K ROM pages. The Gram Karte uses the same bank to display one out of 16 RAM pages.

    A block of memory that can be made to appear in a bank. The actual physical address of this memory is irrelevant to the user, as it is dealt with by the electronics.

    Bank switching (aka page selection)
    The operation that consists in selecting the page that must appear in a bank. For cartridges, this is done by wrinting to addresses >6000 (for page 0) and >6002 (for page 1). Since this space is supposed to contain ROM, there is no other reason to write to it than to switch banks. The Gram Karte expands the convention to 16 pages and uses 16 selection addresses from >6000 to >601E.

    Card architecture

    CRU map

    The Gram Karte has four DIP switches that allows to install it at any CRU address in the range >1000-1F00. Just compose the second nibble of the CRU address in binary format on the switches S1 (msb) to S4 (lsb): ON=0 and OFF=1 (e.g. >1700 = ON OFF OFF OFF). Be carefull not to conflict with another existing card...

    Bit R12 address I/O Usage
    0 >1x00 O 1: Turn on card ROM at >4000-5FFF (and light)
    1 >1x02 O 0: Enable reading from RAM at >6000-7FFF
    2 >1x04 O GRAM enable 2
    3 >1x06 O 0: Enable reading from GRAM
    4 >1x08 O 1: Enable writing to RAM at >6000-7FFF
    5 >1x0A O 1: Override console GROMs with card GRAMs
    6 >1x0C O 0: Switched bank appears at >7000-7FFF 
    1: Default bank appears (DIP selected 1-4)
    7 >1x0E O 0: Writing to >6000-7FFF performs switching

    GRAM access

    If GRAM memory is enabled, it can be accessed the usual way, through the GRAM access ports:

    >9800 >9820: Read a byte from GRAM/GROM, then increments the memory pointer.
    >9802 >9822: Read the address pointer, as two bytes. It points at the next byte to be read/written plus one. The same pointer works for both ports.
    >9C00 >9C20: Write a byte to GRAM, then increments the memory pointer.
    >9C02 >9C22: Set the memory pointer, passed as two bytes (MSB first).

    The value of the GRAM bases can be modified with 8 DIP-switches, but the two ports are always >0020 apart. All first 16 bases can be selected. This allows to have multiple Gram Karte installed in the PE-box, without conflict (supposedly, the 512K card implements 4 pairs of ports, so two such cards would cover the whole range of addressable GRAMs).

    Port 1  Port 2 Switch
    >9800 >9820 1
    >9804 >9824 5
    >9808 >9828 2
    >980C >982C 6
    >9810 >9830 3
    >9814 >9834 7
    >9818 >9838 4
    >981C >983C 8

    NB: Only one switch at a time can be ON, all others must be OFF.
    You should always have one card using base >9800, since it's the only one that will have RAM banks.

    By default, GRAM memory is readable in the range >6000-FFFF (in both ports). Three CRU bits can modify this situation:

  • CRU bit 5: when 1, enables the lower address range >0000-5FFF for reading in both ports, thus overriding the console GROMs.
  • CRU bit 3: when 1, disables the whole range >0000-FFFF for reading. This is anti-intuitive, but necessary since all bits are reset as 0 at power-up and the GRAM must be on by default. NB It is NOT possible to write-protect GRAM memory: even if it is not readable, the memory can still be written to!
  • CRU bit 2: when 1, disables GRAM access via port >9820. This is critical when using that memory as RAM: a standard header in a page may cause havoc if it appears in GRAM.

    RAM access

    The RAM at >6000-7FFF can be accessed normally, provided it is enabled. Two CRU bits control its enabling:

  • CRU bit 1: when 0, enables access to the RAM.
  • CRU bit 4: when 1, enables the RAM for writing. Thus the RAM is write-protected by default, which is needed since it is supposed to emulate ROM (only the mini-memory module has RAM in here).

  • Bank switching

    This is a more complicated issue. First of all, the memory block >6000-6FFF is not switchable: page 14 always appears in it. The only switchable block is >7000-7FFF. It is 4K in lenght, therefore  64K of memory will provide 16 pages that can appear in this bank. Selecting a page is performed by writing to the >6000-7FFF area. It is advisable to write protect it before switching, so as not to modify its content (MOVB a byte to itself is not guarantied to work as even the MOVB operation rewrites the low byte, and this may switch banks before the high byte is written).

    Writing to >6000 (and >6020, >6040,...>7FE0) selects bank 0.
    Writing to >6002 (>6022, etc) selects bank 1.
    Writing to >6004 selects bank 2, etc.

    Two CRU bits control switching operations:

  • CRU bit 7: when 0, enables switching (thus switching is on by default). When 1, writing to >6000-7FFF will not switch the bank.
  • CRU bit 6: when 0, the selected page appears at >7000-7FFF. When 1, a default page appears. The default page is selected among 4 possible pages via two DIP switches on the card:

  • DIP switches Bank
    7 8
    OFF OFF 1
    ON OFF 0
    OFF ON 2
    ON ON 3

    In summary, this is how to switch banks:

     * This programs selects a page for the bank >7000-7FFF
    * It assumes R0 contains a page number (0-15)
     SELPAG LI    R12,>1700        CRU address of Gram Karte (DIP switch selected)
           SBZ   1                Enable >7000-7FFF bank
           SBZ   4                Write protect it
           SBZ   7                Bank switching on
           SBZ   6                Selected page appears in bank
           SLA   0,1              As switching addresses grow by 2
           AI    R0,>6000         Coin switching address
           MOVB  *R0,*R0          Switch     
           SBO   7                Switching off (optional)
           SBO   4                Enable writing (optional)
           B     *R11


    Correspondence between RAM pages and GRAM memory at base >9820 

    Page Switching address Location in GRAM
    0 $ >6000 >E000
    1 $ >6002 >F000
    2 $ >6004 >C000
    3 $ >6006 >D000
    4 >6008 >A000
    5 >600A >B000
    6 >600C >8000
    7 >600E >9000
    8 >6010 >6000
    9 >6012 >7000
    10 >6014 >4000
    11 >6016 >5000
    12 >6018 >2000
    13 >601A >3000
    14  * >601C >0000
    15 >601E >1000

    * This is the page that appears at >6000-6FFF (non-switchable bank).
    $ The default page appearing when CRU bit 6=1 is selected among those four, with two DIP-switches.

    DIP switches

    The 128K Gram Karte has 3 blocks of 8 DIP switches on board.

    |                                            |
    |                                            | DIP 1
    |                                            | +-------------------+
    |                                            | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                                            +---+ | |1|2|3|4|x|x|7|8| |
    |                                             ===| |o+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                                             ===| C +-------------------+
    |                                             ===| o
    |                                             ===| n DIP 2
    |                                             ===| n +-------------------+
    |                                             ===| e | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                                             ===| c | |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8| |
    |                  ____ DIP1                  ===| t |o+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                 |.___|                      ===| o +-------------------+
    |                                             ===| r
    |                                            +---+ DIP 3
    |  ____ DIP3                                 |        +-------------------+
    | |.___|                 ____  DIP2          |        | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                       |.___|               |        | | |2| | | | | | | |
    |                                            |        |o+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
    |                              light         |        +-------------------+

    DIP 1: switches 1 to 4 select the CRU address (see above), switches 5 and 6 are not used, switches 7 and 8 select the default bank (see table above).

    DIP 2 selects the GROM base (see table above)

    DIP 3 selects the number of wait states that depends on the memory installed. It is preset upon shipping (switch 2 closed, others open) and should not be modified.

    The card ROM

    The card ROM appears at addresses >4000-5FFF when CRU bit 0 is set to 1. Version 1 contains a power-up routine and 6 subprograms. The card can also install standard headers in GRAMs with programs in them. You can view a disassembled listing of the whole ROM in my download page.

    Note: if you are not familiar with the structure of a standard header, have a look here.

    The power-up routine

    The power-up routine check for the presence of a module, either as a solid-state cartridge or installed in the Gram Karte. If none is found, it clears the whole card memory. The user also has the option of erasing the card by pressing Fctn-4, if no cartridge is plugged-in. Once the card is erased, the routine places a default header at Gram address >6000 in both access ports. If the card answers to port >9800, the power-up routine also enables RAM in the range >6000-7FFF, but only if no ROM is detected here.

    Here is an outline of the power-up routine:

    The subprograms

    There are 6 subprograms in the card ROM, all are meant to be called from Basic (or Extended Basic):
    EDITMEM: provides a small editor for cpu, VDP and GRAM/GROM memory.
    MODULE: transfers a TI-Basic program from VDP memory to GRAM, thus making it a module!
    GRAM: calls the Loader program in the first Gram Karte (never returns if found).
    GRAM2: calls the Loader in the second Gram Karte found in the PE-box (if any).
    GRAM3: calls the Loader for the third Gram Karte.
    GRAM4: calls the Loader for the fourth Gram Karte.


    This is a small, fairly primitive memory editor, to be called from Basic or Extended Basic. It does not have many features (no search function, no copy function, no page-up/page-down...) but it has two main advantages: 1) it is always here and thus very usefull to debug crashed programs, 2) it runs in the card ROM space (with a few bytes in the scratch-pad for registers and data storage) which means the whole memory expansion is free for inspection.

           *  EDIT MEMORY  *        
    Type of memory: G
    Start memory: 6000
    Gram-address: 9800

    6000 AA 01 00 00 60 18 00 00
    6008 00 00 60 28 00 00 00 00
    6010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    6018 00 00 60 30 08 50 52 4F
    6020 47 52 41 4D 31 00 00 00
    6028 60 32 61 45 04 54 45 53
    6030 54 00 00 73 24 04 53 55
    6038 42 01 07 20 06 60 B4 BC

           *  EDIT MEMORY  *        
    Type of memory: G
    Start memory: 6000
    Gram-address: 9820

    6000 * * * * < * * *
    6008 * * > ( * * * *
    6010 * * * * * * * *
    6018 * * > 0 * P R O
    6020 G R A M 1 * * *
    6028 > 2 = E * T E S
    6030 T * * I $ * S U
    6038 B 1 * * ` * *

    Here is how to use this program:


    This subprogram allows to transfer the currently loaded Basic program into GRAM, at addresses >6000-9FFF. The program can be given a name that will appear on the TI main menu, after "TI-Basic". Selecting the program enters Basic and begin its execution. Upon completion, the message "Press any key to reset" is displayed so that you have time to read error messages, if any. Pressing a key resets the TI-99/4A. The Basic program can be saved from GRAM into a file and thus becomes a "module" in itself.

    One advantage of this system is that much more VDP memory is now available for variables. Thus you can write larger Basic programs, that would normally results in a "Memory full" error.

    The only drawbacks are first that such a program cannot be edited. You should therefore keep the normal (VDP loaded) version for future modifications. In this event, you will have to again call MODULE and GRAM to save it as a module. A further problem is that the "RESTORE line_number" instruction does not work (because of a bug in the Basic interpreter: RESTORE only searches for line numbers in the VDP memory).

    MODULE relies on the fact that a Basic program can be executed either from the VDP memory or from GROM. A flag is set in byte >8389 to indicate GROM as a source (>FF). A special routine is provided in the console GROMs (at address >001E) to begin execution of a Basic program in GROM without having to enter Basic, nor to type "RUN" (which expects the line numbers in the VDP memory).

    The MODULE subprogram thus copies the current Basic program and its line number table, from the VDP memory to GRAM memory, ending at address >9FFF. In addition, MODULE installs a standard header at GRAM address >6000-6100 in the current port. This header contains only one program to appear on the main menu. The program name is TEST, but can be changed by passing a string as an argument in the CALL MODULE("NAME") statement. All it does it to enter the Basic interpeter via the GROM subroutine mentionned above.

    Here is the outline of the MODULE program:

    The GPL program in the custom header does the following, when selected from the main menu:

    GRAM to GRAM4

    These are four entry points to the same program. All it does is to copy the GRAM/GROM management program into the low memory expansion and branch to it. This program must be run in the memory expansion because it performs file operations, which will require turning on the ROM in the drive controller card, therefore turning off the Gram Karte ROMs. It resides at >4E00-5FFF in the ROM and will be copied at >2700-28FF.

    Each entry point corresponds to a different Gram Karte, in the order of their CRU addresses. Thus we can have upto 4 such cards installed in the PE-Box. The program can determine which card is currently called by checking the value of R1: it contains the number of time the called subprogram was found. Generally R1 = >0001, but if a subprogram returns with B *R11 (as opposed to INCT R11, B *R11) the scanning will continue and, if a subprogram with the same name is found elsewhere, it will be entered with R1 = >0002.

    Therefore, each entry point verifies if the value of R1 matches what it expects: >0001 for GRAM, >0002 for GRAM2, >0003 for GRAM3 and >0004 for GRAM4. If not, it returns with B *R11 and lets the scanning go on. This may result in a "not found" error if there are not as many Gram Karte installed.

    If the number matches, the program copies the card management program (improperly called "Loader") from ROM addresses >4E00 to >5FFF (using the current GROM base found at >83FA) to the low memory expansion, at addresses >2700-38FF. It then leaves Basic without any hope of return and enters the card management program (at >27FE).

    The card management program changes the screen color and displays the current GROM base at the top of the screen (if called from the main menu. From basic it displays GRAM-CARD LOADER). It then displays a 7-item main menu, enclosed in a pretty frame:

     *      GRAM-CARD >9800       *
    | 1 Load (G)RAM with program |
    | 2 Load GRAM with asm-file |
    | 3 Load RAM with asm-file |
    | 4 Load GROM 0-2 |
    | 5 Save GROM |
    | 6 Save ROM |
    | 7 Load-file |
    | Your choice: |
    | |
    | |
    +---c) by H. Martin----------+

    The user can select an option by pressing the coresponding key, refresh the screen with Fctn-6 or exit and reset the TI-99/4A by presssing Fctn-9. Once an option is selected, it can be aborted at any time by pressing Fctn-6 or Fctn-9, which returns to the main menu.

    Save GROM
    Is used to save GROM or GRAM memory to a memory-image "program" file. You will be prompted for the start address (included) and the end address (not included) of the memry block to dump. So for instance >6000 to >7800 will save >1800 bytes, from >6000 to >77FF. The maximum size for a file is >2000 bytes (this is because file operations go through VDP memory, and space is limited there). Then you must enter the GROM base. A default value is proposed, that corresponds to the base in use when the loader was entered. Finally, you are prompted for a file name.

    Once you entered everything, the operation begins. If an error occurs, you'll get a brief message ("I/O error xyz" or Loader error xyz"), followed by "Command completed". If all goes well, the only message will be "Command completed". In any case, you'll return to the main menu by pressing <enter> (or Fctn-6 or Fctn-9).

    Save ROM
    Is used to save a ROM or RAM memory in a memory-image "program" file. You must first provide the card's CRU address so that the program can toggle the appropriate CRU bits. The proposed default is the CRU address of the card the loader was loaded from. You will be prompted for switching address of the page to save. If you just press <enter>, or type >6000, the whole area >6000-7FFF will be saved. To save a page, enter its switching address (>6002, >6004, etc): the bank >7000-7FFF will be saved, after due switching to the selected page. Finally, you'll be asked for a filename.

    Load (G)RAM with program
    This is used to load GRAM or RAM memory with data from the files that were saved with options 5 or 6. You will be prompted for the card's CRU address and GROM base, but default values are provided and in most cases you can just accept them with <enter>. You will then be prompted for a filename. These memory-image files include a 3-word header that tells the loader which type of memory it is meant for, the destination address, and the number of bytes to load. If no such header is found, you'll get the error message "No (G)RAM fike".

    Load GROM 0-2
    This allows to override the console GROMs with the Gram Karte GRAM memory in the range >0000-5FFF. You will be asked for confirmation, as there is no guaranty that this will not damage the console GROMs (!) If you answer "Y" the console GROMs are copied intro the GRAM card, at adresses >0000-5FFF in both GROM bases (which means you cannot use RAM at >6000-6FFF since this correspond to GRAM >0000-1FFF in the second base)..

    Load RAM with asm-file
    This load an assembly program in "tagged object code" into the RAM bank at >6000-7FFF. You will be prompted for the card CRU and the switching address of the bank to load (enter none to load the >6000-6FFF memory area). Note that this option only works with the >9800 port. Finally, you'll be asked for the name of the assembly file. This file should be produced by a 9900 assembler, such as the one in the TI Editor/Assembler module. It contains all necessary address and size informations.

    Note that the Gram Karte loader is very primitive: it does not support relocatable code, and does not allow for REFs, DEFs, nor for CSEG, DSEG and other sophisticated features of the TI assembler. Although it is only meant for the cartridge ROM area, it will load code anywhere in memory if the corresponding AORG was placed in the source program.

    Load GRAM with asm-file
    This loads a GPL program (a low-level language to be interpreted from GROM memory) into GRAM memory. The file should be produced with Michael Weiand GPL-assembler or a compatible program (such as mine). The loader is extremely primitive and only allows for loading at absolute addresses, with no REF/DEFs, etc. You'll be asked for the card's CRU address and for the GROM base you want to use, then for the filename.

    A load file is a display/variable 80 text file containg a list of files to load. This comes handy since a module can theoretically consists in 5 GROM files and 16 ROM files! Each line in the load-file must contain one and only one filename to be passed to option 3. Optionally, a GROM base can follow the filename after a unique space (and no leading >). The last line must be left blank as a signal for the loader to stop.

    Upon selecting this option, you will be prompted for the card's CRU address, for the GROM base to use and for the name of the DV80 load-file.The files listed in the load-file are then loaded automatically. If a GRAM file has an address is in the range >0000-5FFF, it is loaded in both bases and the override of the console GROMs is turned on. RAM files greater than >1000 bytes load from >6000 and leave the bank enabled for writing, but not switchable. Smaller RAM files load from >7000 and leave the bank write-protected and switchable. A wrong file format aborts the loading process with a "No (G)RAM file" message.

    Protected cartridges

    It is hard to believe, but this piece of hardware meant to by-pass the copy protection mechanism provided by solid-state cartridges, actually contains a copy protection scheme! The author of the software, Heiner Martin, was appearently involved in a company called Apesoft. He was mean enough to install a safety mechanism in option 5 (Save GROM), that prevents us to save an Apesoft module on disk.

    The protection subroutine checks the two bytes at address >6020-6021 in GROM memory. If they contain either "AP" or "HM" the message "Module copy protected" is displayed and the save operation aborts. The same thing is true for the two bytes at address >E015-E016, except that is this case the file is saved, but immediately deleted (and we don't get any error message).

    Overcoming the protection is simple enough: we just need to patch the loader code, to replace the tests with NOPs or JMPs. The only problem is that the code is in ROM, so we must wait until it is loaded in the low-memory expansion to patch it. But that's no problem: the loader itself will do it for us, thanks to its "load asm-file" function (remember, it can load code anywhere in memory). Just assemble the following assembly language snippet, then CALL GRAM with the protected cartridge plugged in, select option 3 and load our assembly file: voila, the loader's option 5 will now ignore all protection codes.

     * Crack for the Gram Karte protection in "Save GROM"
    * Load it with "Load ass-file in RAM" to the disable protection routine
    * (No need to run it)
            AORG >30C0
            NOP               Remove test for "HM" at >6020
            AORG >30E4
            NOP               Remove test for "AP" at >6020
            AORG >312A
            NOP               Remove test for "AP" at >E015 
            AORG >3134
            JMP  >3150        Remove 2ND test for "HM" at >6020

    Programs and the TI main menu

    With a Gram Karte installed, you will find that the TI main menu (upon leaving the title screen) looks slightly different from the usual:

     Texas Instrument Home Computer
     1 for TI-Basic
     2     Gramcard >9800
     3     Review Module Library

    The last item does not come from the GRAM card, it is added by the power-up routine in the console GROMs that looks for programs and builds the title screen. This routine searches the cartridge ROM (at >6000) and all GROMs (at >0000, >2000, >4000, >6000, >8000, >A000, >C000, and >E000 for all ports from >9800 to >981C) for standard headers and lists all programs it found (see the standard headers page for details).

    This happens if the menu-building routine detects a device that discriminates between GROM bases (unlike cartridges and console GROMs). It is detected by comparing the contents of GROM addresses >6000-601E in bases >9800 and >9804. If there is a difference, the main menu will display one page for each active GROM base. Each page ends with the "Review Module Library" item. By selecting it, the user will access the next page, that deals with the next GROM base.

    If you install a module in the Gram Karte port >9800 and disable the second port, the main menu will only contain TI-Basic and the program(s) in that module. If however both ports are enabled, the TI routine detects different modules in each (provided the card uses base >9800 or >9804 and has non-zero data loaded in GRAM at >6000-601E). It then displays a first screen with the programs found at GROM base >9800: TI-Basic, the programs in the loaded module(s), then "Review module library". Selecting the last option, repeats the scanning for the next used port (>9820 if we have only one Gram Karte). This second menu will again display "TI-Basic" since console GROMs show in all bases, plus any program in the module(s) installed in that port, etc.

    When reset, the Gram Karte installs a default program in the GRAM header at >6000. The name of this program is "GRAMCARD >9800", but it is modified upon installation to reflect the GROM base it is intalled in: "GRAMCARD >9820", etc.

    Selecting this program enters the same card managment program as CALL GRAM, but first displays a shortcut menu:

             GRAMCARD >9800
    | |
    | Press |
    |  1 for Loader |
      | 2 DSK1.XB |
    |  3 DSK1.EA |
    |  4 DSK1.DM |
    |  5 DSK1.MP |
    |  6 DSK1.WR |
    |  7 DSK1.TE |
    |  8 DSK1.LG |
    |  9 DSK1.MM |

    Options 2 to 9 process "load files" meant to load some of the most popular modules: Extended Basic, Editor/Assembler, Disk Manager, Multiplan, TI-Writer, Terminal Emulator, TI-Logo and Mini-Memory. The files are loaded using the CRU address and the GROM base that were in use when the shortcut menu was entered.

    Pressing Fctn-7 toggles between that list and another, that contains less meaningfull file names:

             GRAMCARD >9800
    | |
    | Press |
    |  1 for Loader |
      | 2 DSK1.AA |
    |  3 DSK1.BB |
    |  4 DSK1.CC |
    |  5 DSK1.DD |
    |  6 DSK1.EE |
    |  7 DSK1.FF |
    |  8 DSK1.GG |
    |  9 DSK1.HH |

    Pressing 1 enters the Gram Karte managment program with the default CRU and GROM base corresponding to those in the header selected from the TI main menu.

    Loader file formats

    Memory-image files

    These "program" files contain a plain copy of the memory saved, after a 3-word header. This header is different for GRAM and RAM files (and it does not follow the convention established by TI for RAM memory-image files, nor by the Gram Kracker for GRAM memory-image files).

    GRAM files
    >A5A5 Flag to indicate a GRAM file
    >xxxx GRAM address
    >xxxx Number of bytes (max >2000)

    RAM files
    >5A5A Flag to indicate a RAM file
    >600x Switching address
    >xxxx Number of bytes. If greater than >1000, loading starts at >6000, else is starts at >7000

    Tagged object files

    These are display/fixed 80 files. They consists in 1-character "tags" generally followed by one or more byte of data.

    GPL programs

    Tag Data Meaning
    >01 >xxxx
    Indicates a compressed file. The data (a number and 8 chars) is ignored.
    0 >xxxx
    Same as above but not compressed (numbers are "spelled out" as 4 chars)
    1 or 2 >xxxx Ignored, the data is skipped.
    3 or 4 >xxxx Loader error >0A
    5 or 6 >xxxx
    Ignored. The data (a number and 6 chars) is ignored.
    7 >xxxx Checksum: negated sum of all bytes in the record.
    Loader error >0B if incorrect.
    8 >xxxx Ignore checksum. The data is ignored.
    9 >xxxx Absolute loading address in GRAM memory.
    A >xxxx Loader error >0A
    B >xxxx Data bytes, to be loaded in GRAM
    C to E >xxxx Loader error >0A
    F - End-of-record (no data)
    G to O >xxxx Loader error >0A
    : "c)...... End-of-file. The copyright string is ignored

    Assembly programs

    Tag Data Meaning
    >00 >xxxx
    Indicates a compressed file. The size >xxxx must be less than >2000 or error 8 is issued.
    The string of 8 chars (program name) is ignored.
    0 >xxxx
    Same as above but not compressed (all numbers are "spelled out" as 4 chars)
    1 or 2 >xxxx Ignored, the data is skipped.
    3 or 4 >xxxx Loader error >0A
    5 or 6 >xxxx
    Ignored. The data (a number and 6 chars) is ignored.
    7 >xxxx Checksum: negated sum of all bytes in the record. Loader error >0B if incorrect.
    8 >xxxx Ignore checksum. The data is ignored.
    9 >xxxx Absolute loading address in RAM memory.
    A >xxxx Loader error >0A
    B >xxxx Data word, to be loaded in RAM
    C to E >xxxx Loader error >0A
    F - End-of-record (no data)
    G to O >xxxx Loader error >0A
    : "c)...... End-of-file. The copyright string is ignored

    Revision 1. 3/19/99 OK to release
    Revision 2. 3/30/99 Polishing

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