
2 mai 2018: 1ère Journée de recherche en pédiatrie

Mercredi 2 mai 2018 | 13h00 – 17h00

Auditoire Bamatter – Hôpital des enfants (Avenue de la Roseraie 45)

ORGANISATEURS:  Prof. Constance Barazzone, Prof. Olivier Baud, Prof. Marc Chanson, Dre Géraldine Blanchard-Rohner, Dr Jean-Christoph Caubet, Dr Serge Grazioli, Dr Philippe Klee, Dre Isabelle Ruchonnet


13h00 Ouverture de la journée, Prof. Constance BARAZZONE-ARGIROFFO

Directrice du département de pédiatrie, Faculté de médecine – Université de Genève

13h10 – 13h40 Conférence du Pr Olivier BAUD

Médecin agrégé, service de néonatologie et des soins intensifs pédiatriques, Département de l’enfant et de l’adolescent – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève :

« Recherche translationnelle en néonatologie : panacée ou utopie ? » 

13h45 Présentations orales – Partie I

(8 minutes de présentation, suivie de 2 minutes de discussion)

Modératrices : Pre K. Posfay Barbe, Dre I. Ruchonnet-Metrailler

13h45      Cellular infiltrate, histology and donor-specific antibodies in protocol liver biopsies of pediatric recipients / V. Cousin

 13h55      Predictive factors of histological complication in EA-TEF patients during 10 years’ prospective endoscopic follow-up / L.-M. Petit

14h05      Early complications after liver transplantation in children and adults: Are split grafts equal to each other and equal to whole livers? / D. Moussaoui

14h15      Circulating neural antibodies in unselected children with new-onset seizures / C. Korff, S. Garcia-Tarodo

14H25     Diagnostic performance of an unsupervised electronic stethoscope for community-acquired childhood pneumonia in a paediatric emergency department: a feasibility case-control study / M. R. Benissa

14h35 Présentations orales – Partie II

Modérateurs: Pr O. Baud, Dr P. Klee

14h35      Should neonates prenatally diagnosed with antenatal pelvic dilatation be screened for vesicoureteral reflux ? / F. Minisini

14h45      EEG recording during an emotional face matching task in children of mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder / V. Perizzolo

14h55      L’effet de la Musique sur le cerveau des enfants prématurés – une évaluation par neuroimagerie structurelle / J. Sá de Almeida

15h05      Factors affecting the imposed work of breathing during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in spontaneously breathing neonatal and pediatric patients / A. Bordessoule

15h15 – 16h00 Visite des posters(liste en fin de programme)

Café et douceurs à disposition

16h00 Présentations orales – Partie III

Modérateurs : Pre C.-A. Siegrist, Dr J.-C. Caubet

16h00      Boosting teenagers with acellular pertussis vaccines containing recombinant or chemically inactivated pertussis toxin: a randomized clinical trial / G. Blanchard-Rohner

16h10      Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination after pediatric liver transplantation: a national prospective interventional study with multimodal safety assessment / S. Papis, L. Pittet

16h20      Natural History of Benign Nonimmediate Allergy to Beta-Lactams in Children: A Prospective Study in Retreated Patients After a Positive and a Negative Provocation Test / A. Tonson la Tour

16h30      Screening Obese Adolescents for Binge Eating Disorder in Primary Care: The Adolescent Binge Eating Scale / C. Chamay-Weber

16h40 Présentations orales – Partie IV

Modérateurs : Pr M. Chanson, Dr S. Grazioli

16h40      Lung Development and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformations: a Translational Study / J. Lascano-Maillard, I. Ruchonnet-Metrailler

16h50      Mechanical stretch induces mitochondrial dysfunction in alveolar epithelial cells / S. Grazioli

17h00      Oxytocin receptor agonist reduces perinatal brain damage by targeting neuroinflammation / J. Mairesse

17h10      Reducing NETosis by targeting Pannexin1 channels / A. Sofoluwe

17h20      Impact of chronic cholestastic liver disease on the development and maintenance of neuronal circuitry / L. Giovannoni

17h45 Remise des Prix de la Meilleure Communication Orale et du Meilleur Poster

Clôture de la Journée



Groupe A (salle 1H-2-501)

Modérateurs: Pre V. Mc Lin, Pr M. Ansari

  • A.1          Effectsof plasma transfusions on antithrombin levels after pediatric liver transplantation / D. Arni
  • A.2          Logistic coordination in pediatric liver transplantation: Criteria for optimization / A. Métroz, M. Hertli
  • A.3          The Effect and Safety of Prostaglandin Administration in Pediatric Liver Transplantation / C. Lironi
  • A.4          Is NTCP deficiency a cause of failure to thrive ? / A. Schneider
  • A.5          Diagnosis and Management of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: An International Survey of Neonatologists and Pediatric Surgeons / M. Valpacos
  • A.6          Seizure outcome after surgery for focal cortical dysplasia in children / A. Wanders
  • A.7          Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Pediatric Burn Patients:  A Systematic Review / N. Pedrazzi
  • A.8          Long-term parental satisfaction after epilepsy surgery in children / M. A. Heggli
  • A.9          Prevalence of Bifid Uvula in Primary School Children / P. Feka-Homsy
  • A.10        Evaluation of Emergency Sutures with Absorbable and Non-Absorbable Threads in a Pediatric Population / G. Brändle
  • A.11        Cardiopulmonary adaptation in pediatric patients with Pectus excavatum or Pectus carinatum / S. Ramadan

Groupe B (Hall de l’Auditoire – côté Salève)

Modérateurs: Pr A. Gervaix, Dr R. Pfister

  • B.12        Blindfolds use for training leadership in pediatric high-fidelity simulation-based training / M. Buyck
  • B.13        E-learning to improve paediatric parenteral nutrition prescription ? A pilot study in two university’s hospitals / L.-M. Petit
  • B.14        Emotional Face Matching Task in IPV-PTSD mothers and non-PTSD controls, and their children: its relationship with the TEST of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) / V. Perizzolo
  • B.15        Soutenir l’attachement parental chez le grand prématuré: Etude clinique prospective, randomisée, contrôlée – Analyse intermédiaire / C. Mach
  • B.16        Distribution du NGAL urinaire dans une population de nouveau-nés prématurés et à terme / A. de Mul
  • B.17        Risque de brulure chez les nouveau-nés en nCPAP : bench-test de 6 modèles de réchauffeur-humidificateur / S. Fau
  • B.18        Delayed decrease in SpO2 values in infants with bronchiolitis: Emergency Department observation period for safe discharge – preliminary results / F. Stollar
  • B.19        Bénéfice de l’exposition à l’air froid sur la symptomatologie du faux croup / C. Salomon
  • B.20        Improved outcomes in extremely premature infants with severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated by laser therapy / J. Sommer
  • B.21        Récidives d’hypoglycémies en néonatologie chez les enfants nés à terme, traités par perfusion de glucose / J. Sternberg
  • B.22        In-line Filtration to Reduce systemic Inflammatory response Syndrome in Babies born very prEtErm (FRISBEE): a randomized controlled trial / A.-L. Virlouvet

Groupe C (Hall de l’Auditoire – côté Jura)

Modérateurs: Dre G. Blanchard-Rohner, Pr P. Eigenmann

  • C.23         Adolescents treated in multidisciplinary intensive group therapies for obesity: Weight outcome at five years / C. Chamay-Weber
  • C.24         Analyse de la stratégie de communication et de l'information donnée au patient en allergologie pédiatrique / L. Cordes Lourenço
  • C.25         Early mindfulness-based intervention for vulnerable adolescents  : project for a FMRI randomized controlled trial / A. Merglen
  • C.26         PRIMA-1MET induces apoptotic cell death in neuroblastoma and synergizes with etoposide and cisplatin / V. Mlakar
  •  C.27         Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis: six days Amoxicillin, oR six Days placebo in children between 3 and 15 years old: a randomized, double blinded, multicentred and non inferiority trial. (GASPARD study) /    S. Papis
  •  C.28         Vitamin D in adolescents: a comprehensive review of guidelines and recommendations / M. Patseadou
  •  C.29         Use of health care services among newly arrived asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors resettled in the canton of Geneva: a one-year follow-up study / M. Patseadou
  •  C.30         Health care needs of asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors resettled in the canton of Geneva: a one-year follow-up study / M. Patseadou
  •  C.31         Maintenance of long term immunity inpediatric liver transplant after Varicella-Zoster immunization: 10 years follow-up / C. Verolet
  •  C.32         Use of Webdia, in combination with a multidisciplinary intervention reduces HbA1c in type 1 diabetic children and adolescents / P. Klee
  •  C.33         Tropomyosin receptor kinase C (TrkC) expression in medulloblastoma: relation to the molecular subgroups and impact on treatment response / A. Von Büren
  •  C.34         Could CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genes polymorphisms predict the response to cyclosporine in pediatric hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation patients? L. Duvernay
  • C.35         Chirurgie bariatrique chez l’adolescent obèse / L. Howarth

2 mai 2018
