
The PHYM Dept. welcomes Prof. Foti as new Head

As of July 2018, Prof. Michelangelo Foti takes on the challenge of leading the PHYM Department for the next 4 years as its new Head of Department. 

Prof. Foti has been a PHYM faculty member since 2003, rising to Associate Professor as of 2012. His laboratory’s research is centred on studies of hepatic metabolic disorders and cancer, with a special focus on deciphering the mechanisms through which dietary fatty acids and obesity can trigger these diseases.  He is a member of the “Conseil participatif” and he’s affiliated to both the “Diabetes Centre” and the “Translational research Centre in Oncohaematology” at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition to various teaching activities at the Faculty of Medicine, Science and HES, Prof. Foti is also co-responsible of the first unit of problem-based learning (APP) in the 2nd year of Medicine (“Cell Growth and Ageing” unit). He has also been the Scientific Director of the Electron Microscopy Core facility (PFMU) since 2005 (now also the academic responsible since July 2018), where he recently supervised the acquisition and installation of the new million-franc Helios focused-ion beam electron microscope. 

During his mandate, former Head Prof. Pierre Maechler deftly oversaw the Department through several major events including the inauguration and move of several PHYM groups to the new CMU building, the renovation of the animal facility, as well as the departure of one and joining of two new PHYM faculty members. In the next 4 years, Prof. Foti will be faced with new challenges including the arrival of several other new faculty members joining our department, changes in rules which may occur with the new Décanat to be elected in 2019, the optimization and sharing of the department resources and a better integration of clinical affiliates in the Department amongst others.

Prof. Foti will address the Department for the first time in his new position as Head by the end of the year, and we are looking forward to his leadership through the challenges that lie ahead.















Posted by: P. Nunes-Hasler

21 Aug 2018
