AMEE / Association for Medical Education in Europe


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  • Time to investigate the path of clinical reasoning in chronic and multimorbid conditions
    Ce poster a reçu le MEDICAL TEACHER poster prize AMEE 2019 –TOP 3 POSTERS :
    J. Sader ; C. Ritz ; S. Cairo Notari ; T. Fassier ; M. Nendaz ; M-C. Audétat Voirol: . AMEE 2019, 24-28 août 2019, Vienne, Autriche

  • Item Response Theory Analysis of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy
    Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase
  • Trajectories of undergraduate medical students' performances and their relationship with learning approaches
    Anne Baroffio, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Margaret W. Gerbase


  • Vulnerability and disillusionment as a threat to residents’ professional identity development
    Naïke Bochatay, Nadia Bajwa, Katherine Blondon, Noëlle Junod Perron, Stéphane Cullati, Mathieu Nendaz
  • Dynamics of students’ learning approaches throughout medical training: relationships with students’ personal characteristics
    Anne Baroffio, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Margaret W. Gerbase

  • Longitudinal relationships between motivation and empathy among medical students during clinical years
    Giovanni Piumatti, Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase

  • Longitudinal assessment of empathy by two different intruments and evolution of gender relationships in medical students
    Margaret W. Gerbase, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Anne Baroffio

  • Exploring professional identification with family medicine among medical students in the Kyrgyz Republic
    O.Heller, Z. Ismailova, D.Mambetalieva, K. Stambekova, M. Yurchenko,E. Alymbaev, G. Djumalieva, N. Brimkulov, L.Loutan, A. Baroffio
  • Students’ preferences for primary care careers evolve over time: the situation in two medical schools in Switzerland and Portugal
    E. Pfarrwaller, M. Abbiati, M. J. Costa, P. Costa,  A. Baroffio, D.M. Haller


  • Evolution of medical students’ learning approaches during their preclinical and clinical trainings: a cohort study
    Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase, Milena Abbiati, Marie-Paule Gustin

  • The Role of Personality and Motivational Factors on Students’ Career Intentions for Primary Care and Surgery during their Clinical Training
    M. Abbiati,PhD; Z. Horcik, PhD , PhD; M. W. Gerbase, MD,PhD; A. Baroffio ,PhD

  • Similarities and Differences between Intra- and Interprofessional Conflicts in Healthcare: Implications for Training
    Naïke Bochatay, Nadia M. Bajwa, Stéphane Cullati, Virginie Muller-Juge, Katherine S. Blondon, Noëlle Junod Perron, Fabienne Maître, Pierre Chopard, Nu V. Vu, Sara Kim, Georges L. Savoldelli, Patricia Hudelson, Mathieu R. Nendaz


  • Personal and motivational factors influencing undergraduate medical students’ preferences for
    general practice career: results of a longitudinal study.

    M Abbiati, Z Horcik, M W. Gerbase, A Baroffio,
  • Evaluating the Relationship between Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Competence in a Pediatric Residency Mastery Simulation Course
    N. Bajwa
  • Improving students’ use of a deep approach to learning: Should we focus efforts on integrating our curricula?
    Anne Baroffio PhD, Milena Abbiati PhD, Margaret W Gerbase MD, PhD, Marie-Paule Gustin PhD
  • Evolution of students’ empathy during medical studies and association with students’ characteristics
    Horcik Z, PhD; Abbiati M, PhD; Baroffio A PhD; Gerbase MW, MD PhD


  • Are Role Perceptions of Residents and Nurses translated into Action? A Mixed Methods Study in Internal Medicine
    V Muller-Juge, N Bochatay, F Scherer, G Cottin, S Cullati, KS Blondon, P Hudelson, F Maître, NV Vu, GL Savoldelli, MR Nendaz
    Abstract - Poster
  • Medical school screening tools: how far do Medical Aptitude tests and personality measures predict performances throughout preclinical years?
    Abbiati M, Horcik Z, Baroffio A
  • First-Year Medical Students Attracted by Primary Health Care Present Specific Personal Characteristics
    A. Baroffio, M. Abbiati, M.W. Gerbase
    Abstract - Poster
  • Feedback based on videotaped consultations or immediately after direct observation: which is more effective?
    Noëlle Junod Perron, Martine Louis-Simonet, Bernard Cerutti, Eva Pfarrwaller, Johanna Sommer, Mathieu Nendaz
  • Students’ early motivations for four medical specialties: Results of a comparative study
    Abbiati, M., Horcik, Z. & Baroffio, A.


  • Does the content of feedback provided by tutors to medical students during formative assessment sessions differ according to their clinical profile?
    N. Junod Perron, M. Louis-Simonet, E. Pfarwaller, J. Sommer, B. Cerutti, M. Nendaz
  • Personality stability in a sample of undergraduate medical students
    M. Abbiati, Z. Horcik, A. Baroffio
    Abstract - Poster
  • Does medical students’ admission based on an end-of-first-year knowledge test select unsuitable non-cognitive qualities?
    Baroffio A, Gerbase M.W., Abbiati M., Gustin M.P
    Abstract - Presentation
  • Personality measures in medical education:  Is NEO-FFI a reliable and stable instrument?
    Abbiati M, Baroffio A, Gerbase M.W
    Abstract - Poster


  • PhD report : Bridging a gap in communication skills training: a faculty development program
    N. Junod Perron, M. Nendaz, D. Dolmans, C. van der Vleuten
  • Comparison of medical students’ learning approaches in a traditional versus integrated lecture-based curricula
    Baroffio A, Abbiati M., Gerbase M.W., Gustin M.P
    Abstract - Presentation
  • Empathy perception and skills differ among medical students: Results from a cross-sectional comparative study
    Gerbase MW, Abbiati M, Vu NV, Baroffio A
    Abstract - Presentation
  • Cognitive and non-cognitive features of first year medical students: impact of gender on selection?
    Abbiati M, Baroffio A, Kramar N, Gerbase M.W
    Abstract - Poster


  • Telling the truth: medical students' progress  with an ethical skill
    Layat C, Baroffio A, Ummel M, Hurst S.
  • Contribution of instructional activities to learning in a blended problem-based learning (PBL) context
    Gerbase MW, Germond M, Baroffio A, Vu NV.


  • A new faculty development approach for PBL tutors: self-reflection and peer-feedback improve teaching skills
    Baroffio A., Ammar N., Garcia-Gabay I. , Bischof P.A., James R.W.
    Abstract - Presentation