University accreditation

Process and project phases

The accreditation procedure is conducted by the Swiss Agency for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ) and takes place according to a fixed schedule over a period of approximately 15 months.


sablier.png Automn 2019 - Automn 2020


The first step in the accreditation process is the submission of the application for accreditation and the admission to the decision to begin the process by the Swiss Accreditation Council. During this initial phase, the challenge is also to inform the academic community about the principle and objectives of accreditation. This stage serves as a training and self-diagnostic time for the various players involved, particularly the Quality Office, in order to carry out the accreditation process successfully.




Automn 2020 - Summer 2021

After a positive decision by the Swiss Accreditation Council, the AAQ formally opens the procedure, setting out the planning of the procedure (steps and timetable), the language of the procedure and the profile of the expert group. In order to determine whether the University of Geneva meets the quality standards, a self-evaluation is carried out with all the academic bodies. The results of these reflections are presented in a self-evaluation report. This report is reflexive and self-critical and contains the information, descriptions and analyses that make it possible to assess the degree of compliance with the quality standards.




Summer 2021 - Winter 2021

The self-evaluation report is then reviewed by a group of independent external experts who also visit the University's site to complete their analysis. This visit allows the group of experts to meet several representatives of the management, students, faculty, staff, and administrative and technical personnel. On the basis of this information, the experts draw up a report with a position paper on the accreditation decision.




Winter 2021 - Spring 2022

The accreditation decision is taken by the Swiss Accreditation Council, which may decide on accreditation without conditions, accreditation with conditions or refuse accreditation. If necessary, the decision-making phase is accompanied by a verification of the fulfilment of the conditions. Accreditation is valid for seven years.