
Lorenzo Avellino

Avellino LORENZO AVELLINO is a post-doctoral researcher at the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History at the University of Geneva. His research interests include labour history, the history of political economy, the history of technology and the history of textiles. In 2023, he defended his doctoral thesis in economic and social history at the University of Geneva, co-directed with the Università degli studi di Milano, and entitled : "On the misunderstood meaning of Freedom": labour, quality and theft in Lombard silk manufacturing, 17601860. He is particularly interested in the influence of “economic enlightenment” on economic policies in the Duchy of Milan, on fraudulent practices by textile capitalists and workers, as well as on silk quality and techniques for measuring and controlling it.

Research Interests

Enterprise and industrial history

Labour relations

Political Economy

Textile history

Doctoral thesis

“Sous le vocable mal compris de la Liberté”: travail, qualité et vols dans les soieries lombardes, 1760-1860


Lorenzo Avellino, « La gerarchia contestata: i capi Fiat dal dopoguerra alla marcia dei Quarantamila », Studi storici, Vol. 57, nº. 2, 2016, pp. 439-466

Lorenzo Avellino, « Des ouvriers, des fabricants ou des oisifs ? Rôles et hiérarchies dans la fabrique de soie lombarde après l'abolition des corporations (1780-1860) », Le Mouvement Social, 2021 n°3, pp. 27-45

Lorenzo Avellino, « “They have no property to lose”: the impasse of free labour in the Lombard silk manufactures (1780-1810) », International Review of Social History, vol. 68, n° S312023, pp. 135–155

Lorenzo Avellino, « Una rivolta di qualità: il tumulto dei tessitori di Como del 1790 », RiSES. Ricerche di storia economica e sociale, forthcoming (2023)

 Lorenzo Avellino, « Debt, pay and theft: underground silk networks between Milan and Como (1780-1860) » in Manuela Martini (ed.), Textile worlds. Remunerations, Labour Relations and Gender in France and Western Europe during Industrialization (18 th-early 20 th century), Brepols, forthcoming (2024)