
The Department of History, Economics and Society (DEHES) and the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History (IHEPB) offer a rich and very stimulating space for the presentation and discussion of research in economic and social history and political economy.

The Political Economy Seminar invites researchers working on topics related to political economy several times each semester. Since its founding in 1970, the Advanced Research Seminar (IHEPB) has invited many important figures in economic and social history to Geneva. The Staff Seminar provides an opportunity for members of the department to present their ongoing work (research projects, theses, etc.) to a first circle of researchers. The Geneva History Seminar (IHEPB) is organised jointly by the Department of History of the University of Geneva, the Department of International History of the Graduate Institute, and the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History.

DEHES and the Paul Bairoch Institute also work with other Swiss and international institutions to organise seminars and conferences, such as: