Glo-Rete - Globalization and re-territorialization of environmental initiatives in Central Europe : stakeholders, narratives, images
Ce projet porte sur les enjeux et les modalités de la re-territorialisation des initiatives environnementales dans le contexte plus général de la mondialisation. Il part de l'idée que dans ce domaine comme dans beaucoup d'autres, la mondialisation ne signifie pas que les échelles locales, nationales et régionales ont perdu toute pertinence. Certes
la mondialisation des enjeux environnementaux s'exprime par l'apparition de représentations, d'initiatives et d'actions d'échelle planétaire. Mais elle est aussi marquée par l'institutionnalisation concomitante des échelles locales et régionales dans la mesure où les phénomènes concernés méritent d'être appréhendés et traités à ces différents niveaux. C'est ce processus de régionalisation de l'action environnementale dans un contexte général de mondialisation qui est étudié dans ce projet.
Il sera particulièrement étudié pour l'Europe centrale et l'Europe du sud-est, entre les Alpes, les Carpates et les Balkans. Plusieurs régions de montagne et plusieurs bassins versants, comme celui du Danube, ont été identifiés comme des entités pertinente en matière de gouvernance environnementale.
This project relates to the study of the issues and modalities of the re-territorialization of environmental initiatives within the contemporary context of globalization. It builds on the contention that, in this field as in others globalization does not imply that actions at the national, regional and local scales have become any less pertinent. The project therefore focuses on the double process of the globalization and the re-territorialization of environmental initiatives.
Specifically, it focuses on what is taking place in Central and South-Eastern Europe - form the Alps to the Balkans - where a number of mountain regions and river basins have been proposed as entities representing an appropriate scale for environmental initiatives.
In particular, it deals with that is happening within the networks of various players who operate on these levels; it examines what arguments they put forward to justify working within these geographical entities; and it critically explores the efforts made to the latter as appropriate spaces for regional governance. The research will combine a regional approach (built around river basins and mountain areas) within which regional configurations of actor operate, with a focus on the actors themselves. It will do this by examining the discursive and figurative representations that these actors draw on. Three of these, organized and active on a global level (The World Conservation Union UICN, The World Wildlife Fund WWF and the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP) reflect different types of supra-national and trans-national structures. These will be analyzed in depth, insofar as they articulate and perform the relation between global and regional scales in specific ways within their respective
understanding of environmental problems and solutions.