
InCite at the Kongress Reclaim Democracy



InCite at the Kongress Reclaim Democracy

Introduction - Beat Ringger

Rassismus, Kolonialismus, Demokratie | Kongress | Reclaim Democracy | Plenum with Dr Noémi Michel

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Workshop 3rd February 2017

Introduction - Sarah Fiorelli  (

15h15 – 18h00 

Eviction and resistance

Anti-displacement fights in the post-2008 economic crisis 

The workshop brings together activists, scholars, collectives, and platforms from different cities in Southern Europe to engage collectively in an exploration of the potential and limits of anti- gentrification discourses and practices in facing the regimes of expulsion that characterize Southern European cities in the current period of austerity. 

Scientific coordination: 

  • Dr Sandra Annunziata, Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Leicester.
  • Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of Leicester
  • Dr Elisa Banfi
Research assistant at the Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite) at the Department of Political Science, University of Geneva
  • Sarah Fiorelli, PhD candidate, at the Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite) at the Department of Political Science, University of Geneva



Prof. Matteo Gianni and Sarah Fiorelli /

Dr Sandra Annunziata, Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Leicester/

Santi Mas de Xaxas and Javo Arizmendi, activists of the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca,

Cesare Ottolini , activist and coordinator of the International Alliance of Inhabitants.

Shoa Ben Slama, activist member  du  Comité  de  Pilotage  International  du  Tribunal  International  des  Expulsions (TIE),

Javier Gonzali Mosquiera Pizzarro, housing activist of Progetto Cantiere, Comitato abitanti San Siro, Milano, Italia




31 janvier 2017