Peter Larsen

Dr Peter Bille Larsen

Chargé de cours

Uni Carl Vogt B311
+41 22 37 90894


Peter Bille Larsen, Senior lecturer and researcher, joined the University of Geneva in September, 2018. He has a strong interest in critical theory, environmental anthropology and political ecology. His work addresses the intersection between environmental conservation, politics and social equity concerns, including work in the fields of cultural heritage, environmental governance, international human rights standards and sustainable development.  Primary fieldwork sites include the Peruvian Amazon, Viet Nam and global level organizations and processes. He works extensively with international organizations, NGOs and community-based organizations through collaborative efforts and policy-oriented action research. Active in multiple science policy arenas, he is currently a member of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO presiding a recent initiative on UNESCO-related human rights dialogues as well the Interface Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association (

Current research focusses on sub-regional environmental governance and transboundary conservation in Southeast Asia, heritage and development in Vietnam as well as the changing conditions of environmental civil society and environmental defenders (Boninchi Foundation, IUCN, GSPI, SNF). He teaches sustainable development and biodiversity governance in the Master of Environmental Sciences, a course on the social and environmental dilemmas in contemporary capitalism Master's program in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability and a course on sustainability standards and social regulation in the Masters of "Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development". Recent books include World heritage and human rights (Earthscan), Post-frontier resource governance (Palgrave) and World heritage and sustainable development (Routledge).


