Sandro Cattacin, Curriculum Vitae
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Current position
- Professor in sociology at the University of Geneva
Research fields
- Urban policies, social and health policies, economic sociology, migration policy
- 1992, PhD in social and political science at the European University Insitute in Fiesole
- 1985, Lic. phil I in economic history, political science and political philosophy at the University of Zurich
Previous positions
- 2022, Invited professor at the University of Prishtina, Department of Social Work
- 2013-2021, Directeur de l'Institut de recherches sociologiques de l'Université de Genève
- 2015, Invited professor at the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow School for Business and Society
- 2013, Invited professor at the University RomaTre, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione
- 2011, Invited professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento architettura e studi urbani
- 2006-2010, Directeur du département de sociologie de l'Université de Genève
- 2005, Willy Brandt Guest Professor at the IMER - University of Malmö
- Professor in social and health policy at the IDHEAP-Lausanne
- 1999-2004, Director of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (
- 1999-2004, Associated professor at the University of Neuchâtel (Sociology)
- 2002, Invited professor at the University of Zurich (Sociology)
- 1999 and 2001, Invited professor at the Institut d'études sociales (IES-Geneva)
- 1998-1999, Associated professor at the University of Constance (Fakulät für Verwaltungswissenschaft - Regional policy)
- 1997-1999, Scientific coordinator of the Laboratoire de recherches sociales et politiques appliquées at the University of Geneva
- 1993-2001, Invited professor at the University of Fribourg/CH (Social policy and social work)
- 1992-1999, Lecturer at the University of Geneva (Political Science)
- 1985-1986, Research and teaching assistant at the University of Zurich (Political Science)
- 1983-1987, Teacher at the Scuola professionale emigrati - SPE, Zurich
Other Academic activities
- since 2018, Co-éditeur de la série Chôra (Seismo-Verlag)
- since 2018, Membre du comité de Première Ligne
- since 2017, president of the Think Tank Penser la Suisse
- since 2018, president du Conseil consultatif du Fonds Wernaers pour la recherche et la diffusion des connaissances (FNRS)
- since 2015, Co-éditeur de la série Présent et Histoire / Gegenwart und Geschichte (Seismo-Verlag)
- since 2015, Member of Addictions Suisse's administrative board
- since 2014, Member of the international Board of the book series Sociologie (Mimesis).
- since 2014, Co-éditeur de la série Participation et différences / Teilhabe und Verschiedenheit (Seismo-Verlag)
- since 2012, Member of the international scientific committee of the Journal Sociologia e Politiche Sociali. Milano: F. Angeli.
- since 2006, Member of the international Board of the book series Terrain des sciences sociales (Seismo-Verlag)
- since 2004, Member of the Forschungskommission Freiwilligkeit der Schweizerischen Gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft
- since 2000, Member of the scientific board of the Swiss Academy for Development
- since 1999, Member of the international Board of the book series Studien zu Migration und Minderheiten - Studies in Migration and Minorities
- 2005-2015, Member of the Social Sciences Commission of the Belgian Found for Scientific Research and from 2010 to 2015, president of the Social and science Commission (SHS-1).