Sandro Cattacin

Sandro Cattacin, Liens

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Groupe de réflexion interpartis du Canton de Genève

Pour plus de sécurité dans la ville. Les Associations de consommateurs de Cannabis : un modèle efficace de réglementation de l’accès au Cannabis (texte de base) - see also here.



50 Klassiker der Soziologie - Das vorliegende Internet-Lexikon wurde vom Jubiläumsfonds der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank gefördert.

Sociosite - le site néerlandais de la sociologie, pleine de ressource et projet.

Sociologie économique

The Economic Sociology European Website provides relevant and updated information for scholars interested in economic sociology.


Forum suisse pour l'étude des migrations et de la population - institut de recherche spécialisée avec bibliothèque et recherche en ligne.

People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts. New publication from The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP Foundation) in cooperation with UNESCO.

Politique sociale et de la santé

Politique et action sociale en suisse - site de ressources, entre outre, le dictionnaire de politique sociale.

Recherche/Evaluation OFAS sur la sécurité sociale en Suisse

Recherche d'articles

JSTOR - accès via l'Université: the scholary journal archive. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization with a dual mission to create and maintain a trusted archive of important scholarly journals, and to provide access to these journals as widely as possible. JSTOR offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines

Ingenta - accès via l'Université: The home of scholarly research.

Social Science Citation Index - accès via l'Université.

Persée - accès libre: the website for scientific journals in social and human sciences, established by the Ministry of State Education, Higher Education and Research. Launched on the initiative of the research community, who are keen for their scientific output to have greater visibility, the PERSEE website has as its mission the digitisation and online distribution of back collections of a vast corpus of periodicals. Wider availability of this rich scientific heritage will benefit French research by making it freely and publicly accessible.