Participatory Council
The Participatory Council is composed of 12 professors, 6 representatives of teaching and research collaborators, 6 students and 3 administrative and technical staff members.
Attributions of the Participatory Council
The Participatory Council:
- approves the regulations of studies and the programs of study of the main teaching and research unit with a view to their adoption by the Rectorate;
- adopts the Organisational Regulations of the main teaching and research unit, for approval by the Rectorate;
- may propose to the Dean's Office amendments to the regulations of studies and programs of study and to the organizational regulations of the main teaching and research unit;
- proposes to the Rector a candidate for the function of Dean;
- designates the Vice-Deans and other members of the Dean's Office on the proposal of the Dean;
- previews the organizational regulations of the inter-faculty centers and institutes in which the main teaching and research unit is involved with a view to their adoption by the Rectorate;
- examines, in a general way, questions relating to teaching methods, knowledge control and the organization of examinations;
- takes note of the budget and annual accounts of the main teaching and research unit.
The Participatory Council may also submit proposals or recommendations to the Dean on any matter which it takes up or is seized of. The Dean's Office takes a position on the proposals of the Participatory Council.
While respecting the attributions of the deanship and the college of professors, the Participatory Council exercises other powers that the staff regulations, the organizational regulations or the study regulations of the main teaching and research units may confer upon it.