
Master in theoretical physics

Theoretical physics is about identifying the most important questions regarding Nature, and searching for the simplest answers:

  • How did the universe evolve into its present form?
  • What  are its most fundamental building blocks?
  • Why are certain materials superconducting?
  • Does life emerge from physical principles?

During the course of their degree, master students in theoretical physics will develop a critical sense towards identifying the most relevant aspects of physical systems, and understand our reality through mathematical modelling.

2 years (4 semesters)
60 ECTS for courses + 60 ECTS for thesis


Deadline: 30 April
(28 February for applicants subject to a visa because of their nationality, as set forth in Swiss federal regulations)

The list of courses at the core of this master’s program can be found HERE.

All members of our group will be happy to help master’s students in their search for a degree topic, and supervise them during the master’s project (contact details can be found here):

Dmitry Abanin: Quantum condensed matter and statistical physics
Camille Bonvin: Cosmology
Ruth Durrer: Cosmology, General Relativity
Karsten Kruse: Biophysics
Martin Kunz: Cosmology, simulations and data analysis
Lucas Lombriser: Cosmology
Michele Maggiore: Cosmology and gravitational waves

Marcos Marino Beiras: Mathematical physics
Antonio  Riotto: Cosmology and astroparticle physics
Francesco Riva: High-energy particle physics
Julian Sonner: String theory and holography
Eugene Sukhorukov : Nanophysics and mesoscopic physics