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Genève-Lac-Nation (GLN) project : application of a European CONCERTO project


Mots clés
Cold/hot network, lake, buildings, environmental impacts

Lachal Bernard, Viquerat Pierre-Alain , Mermoud André, Thomann Pascal, Haefeli Peter, Pampaloni Eric, Weber Willi
Responsable du projet
Lachal Bernard

Participants extérieurs
Service cantonal de l'énergie (ScanE), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Ecole d'ingénieurs de Genève (EIG), Sevice industriels de Genève (SIG), Bonnard et Gardel, Ente Vasco de la Energia (EVE), Vivienda y Suelo de Euskadi (VISESA), Ener

TetraEner is a european integrated project included in the sixth framework Priority 6.1 “Sustainable energy systems”. This project is based on the premise of creating residential and administrative communities where external energy dependency is reduced by optimising the supply/demand balance through an improvement in energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, together with demand monitoring and control applications.
TetraEner encompasses two new urban developments in the cities of San Sebastian (Spain) and Geneva (Switzerland). These communities can offer a series of synergies with regard to the priorities set out in the CONCERTO initiative : Large-scale integration of renewable energy sources, Eco-buildings, polygeneration, energy storage and supply assurance.

Geneva project objectives

1) Low Temperature Exchange Network
Lake Geneva can be seen as a virtually unlimited source of perfectly renewable and non-polluting energy that can be used to provide heating, cooling and water services. Water is drawn from a depth of 30 meters and is distributed through a hydraulic network at a temperature lower or equal to 10 °C, to heat or cool buildings in the area. The network also serves as a thermal exchange medium and as a source of non-potable water.

2) Related objectives
Sustainable development requires a global energy management strategy that goes beyond the design of low energy consumption buildings. Within the frame of the Genève-Lac-Nations project, new methods will be developed, taking into account the energy and environmental aspects of future energy flows of the given perimeter. Objectives are :

  • Achievement of 100 % renewable electricity use by the building participating to the GLN project upon completion of the project (5 years)
  • On public buildings, construct roofs designed to receive solar panels in the future
  • Collect rooftop rainwater to irrigate landscaping and flush the building's toilets
  • Adaptation of existing buildings to heat distribution techniques compatible with weak temperature gradients, close to operating temperatures

Our Activities

Monitoring and adaptation of existing buildings to a hydraulic network : the objectives are to propose a methodology for monitoring and auditing the existing buildings for their integration into the thermal exchange network, if possible by using an available audit method or by creating an extension of an available method.
Evaluation of the GLN project : the objectives are to demonstrate the efficiency of the GLN project with respect to energy, environmental and economical aspects, and to raise awareness an to promote the use of “green, blue and yellow” categories of electricity with the objective of achieving 100 % use of certified renewable electricity among the buildings participating in the GLN project.


Cooling network in the concerned district

Report on the measurement concept and the system performance indicator
(WP 1.1, Deliverable 4) (pdf)

Auditing the existing buildings to be connected to a Deep Lake Water Direct Cooling Network
(WP 1.3, Deliverable 1) (pdf)

HCR Building: Measuring cooling installations and Auditing for Deep Lake Direct Cooling Network connectivity
(WP 1.3, Deliverable 2) (pdf)

UN Building: Measuring cooling installations and Auditing for Deep Lake Direct Cooling Network connectivity
(WP 1.3, Deliverable 3) (pdf)

Guidelines for Auditing the existing buildings to be connected to a Deep Lake Water Direct Cooling Network
(WP 1.3, Deliverable 4) (pdf)

Report of the energetic balances and of the environmental situation before the GLN-project
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 1) (pdf)

Report of the monitoring installation
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 2) (pdf)

Planning analysis
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 2) (pdf)

Annual report of the energetic balances and environmental state of the project (year 2007)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 3.1) (pdf)

Annual report of the energetic balances and environmental state of the project (year 2008)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 3.2)

Annual report of the energetic balances and environmental state of the project (year 2009)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 3.3)

Report of the statistics of electricity contracts among the GLN buildings (year 2006)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 5.1)

Report of the statistics of electricity contracts among the GLN buildings (year 2007)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 5.2)

Report of the statistics of electricity contracts among the GLN buildings (year 2008)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 5.3)

Report of the statistics of electricity contracts among the GLN buildings (year 2009)
(WP 2.4, Deliverable 5.4)

Annual report on trends in indicators (year 2007)
(COWP 1.5, Deliverable 2.1)

Annual report on trends in indicators (year 2008)
(COWP 1.5, Deliverable 2.2)

Annual report on trends in indicators (year 2008)
(COWP 1.5, Deliverable 2.3)

Utilisation de réseaux d'eau lacustre profonde pour la climatisation et le chauffage des bâtiments: bilan énergétique et impacts environnementaux. Etude de cas: le projet GLN (Genève-Lac-Nations) Ã Genève (Thèse P-A. Viquerat) (pdf)

Utilisation de réseaux d'eau lacustre profonde pour la climatisation et le chauffage des bâtiments: bilan énergétique et impacts environnementaux. Etude de cas: le projet GLN (Genève-Lac-Nations) Ã Genève (Annexes) (pdf)

Début - fin
2005-12-01 - 2010-12-01