Unitec Board
The purpose of the Unitec Board is to assist Unitec in its mission to commercialize university technologies and to foster a close and productive relationship between the University, the University Hospitals and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Geneva researchers, with local and foreign industry. The Unitec Board meets every two to three months.
Members of the Unitec Fund Board :
- Pr Sébastien Castelltort, Vice-President of the University of Geneva, President of the Unitec Board
- Pr Eric Allémann, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva
- Pr Serge Ferrari, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
- Mr. Antonio Gambardella, Director, Fongit incubator
- Mr. Hervé Jacquemoud, Head of Biomedical Facilities, University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne
- Mr Alain Kolly, Director, Geneva University Hospitals
- Mme Wilma Lukas, Senior advisor and coach
- Mr. Mario Marchesini, Representative of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services
- Mr. François Naef, General counsel, Waypoint Capital
- Pr Gilles Triscone, Research Coordinator, University of Applied Sciences of Geneva