
A. List of Interviews/Special Discussions*

* The author is indebted to the interviewees/discussants for their kind co-operation to this work. The titles of the interviewees/discussants reflect their professional positions at the time of the meetings and the views expressed in this document are the responsibility of the author and not of anyone else.

B. List of Visits to Space Installations, Factories and Related Facilities

C. List of Space-Related Conferences and Research Group Meetings Attended

D. Written References

1. Articles

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  • Beau, Laurence, "CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Tracking: A General Overview of Existing Proposals," in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Péricles Gasparini Alves, (ed.), Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 59-72.
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  • Binkely, Cameron, 'Pakistan's Ballistic Missile Development: The Sword of Islam?', in William C. Potter and Harlan W. Jencks (eds.), The International Missile Bazaar: The New Supplier's Network, Boulder: Westview Press, 1994, pp. 75-97.
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  • Bosco, Joseph A., 'International Law Regarding Outer Space An Overview,' Journal of Air Law and Commerce, Spring 1990, pp. 609651.
  • Boulden, Jane, 'Phase I of the Strategic Defense Initiative: Current Issues, Arms Control and Canadian National Security,' Issue Brief, Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament, No. 12, August 1990.
  • Bourély, Michael G., 'La Production du lanceur Ariane,' Annals of Air and Space Law, vol. vi, 1981, pp. 279-314.
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  • Brinkley, J., 'Israel Puts a Satellite into Orbit a day After Threat by Iraqis, New York Times, 4 April 1990.
  • Brooks, Charles D., 'S.D.I.: A New Dimension for Israel,' Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 11(4), Winter 1986, pp. 341-348.
  • Burgess, Lisa and Neil Munro, "New Uses For GPS Challenge Pentagon", Defence News, November 29-December 5, 1993, pp. 8, 10.
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  • Carleial, A. B., The MECB Satellite Program, Instituto National de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, paper presented at the VI Simpósio Nipo-Brasiliero of Science and Technology, 10-12 August 1988.
  • Canavan, G. H., 'Former Soviet Republic Capabilities in Space and Science,' Los Alamos National Lab., NM., Department of Energy, , Washington, D.C., February 1993.
  • G. H., 'Dual Use of Distributed Remote Sensing satellites,' Los Alamos National Lab., NM., Department of Energy, , Washington, D.C., March 1993.
  • G. H., 'Dual Use of Distributed Remote Sensing satellites,' Los Alamos National Lab., NM., Department of Energy, , Washington, D.C., 2 December 1992.
  • Cannon, Wayne H., "The Application of the Technique of Radar/Interferometry to CSBMs in Outer Space,"in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Péricles Gasparini Alves (ed.), Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 239-61.
  • Chandrashekar, S, 'An Assessment of Pakistan's Missile Programme,' Unpublished, 1992.
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  • Philips S., 'Converting Soviet Missiles into Russian Space Launchers,' Jane's Intelligence Review, September 1993, pp. 401-04.
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  • "CLBI: The Barreira do Inferno Sounding Rocket Range", Workshop on the Brazilian Space Program, 13 December 1994, Washington, D.C., pp. 47-53.
  • Cleminson, Frank R. and Péricles Gasparini Alves, 'Space Weapon Verification: A Brief Appraisal,' in Verification of Disarmament or Limitation of Armaments: Instruments, Negotiations, Proposals, by Serge Sur (ed.), 1992, United Nations publication, pp. 177-206.
  • 'Clinton to Renane DARPA, Expand Emphasis on Dual-Use Technologies,' Defense Daily, 24 February 1993, vol. 178, no. 35.
  • Condom, P., Brazil aims for selfsufficiency in space, Interavia, January 1984, No. 1. pp. 99101.
  • 'Consideration of the Question of International Arms Transfer by the United Nations,' by Alessandro Corradini, Transparency in International Transfers, Disarmament Topical Paper 3, United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs, New York: United Nations Publication, 1990.
  • 'Controlling the Spread of Ballistic Missiles,' Jane's Defense Weekly, 22 April 1989, vol. 11, no. 16, p. 696.
  • Covault, Craig, "USAF Eyes Advanced Russian Military Reconnaissance Imagery,' Aviation Week & Space Technology, 23 April 1994, p. 53.
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  • da Silva, João Mello and Reynaldo Arcirio de Oliveira,"ECCO: A Satellite Constellation for the Equatorial Belt", Workshop on the Brazilian Space Program, 13 December 1994, Washington, D.C., pp. 38-44.
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  • Farinella, Paolo, 'Artificial Satellites and Space Debris: Current Stocks, Orbital Distribution and Monitoring Activities', in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Péricles Gasparini Alves (ed.), Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995.
  • Fender, Janet S., "Laser Systems for Optical Space Observation," Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Péricles Gasparini Alves (ed.), Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 189-215
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  • Friedman, Alan, 'Iraq May Gain from US Exports to Brazil,' Financial Times, 8-9 September, 1990, p. 2.
  • Fujita, Yasuki, 'Recent Developments in The Peaceful Utilization of Space,' Mitsubishi Electric Advance, Vol. 58, Mar. 1992, p. 1.
  • Fulghum, David A., "Pentagon Orders Missile Defence Review," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 4 September 1995, p. 20.
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  • Gargan, Edward A., New York Times, 10/21/93, p. A 9.
  • Gasparini Alves, Péricles, "Fostering Synergies between Civil & Military Satellite Applications: New Approaches to Promote Innovation & Increase Competitiveness", Innovation for Competitiveness Workshop, European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), 19-21 March 1997, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, March 1997.
  • Péricles and Fernand Alby, 'Radio Tracking and Monitoring: Implications for CSBMs,' in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 151-87.
  • Péricles, 'Applying CSBMs to the Outer Space Environment,' in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 263-84.
  • Péricles, 'Rocket Launches: Current trends, Growth Prospects, and Monitoring Operations,' in Building Confidence in Outer Space Activities: CSBMs and Earth-to-Space Monitoring, Péricles Gasparini Alves (ed.), Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995, pp. 115-35.
  • Péricles, 'Beyond Disarmament: 'Catching-Up with the Arms Trade?'', Review of the Belgian Society for International Law, 93/1, 1994, pp. 58-100.
  • Péricles, 'Brazilian Missile and Rocket production and Export,' in William C. Potter and Harlan W. Jencks (eds.), The International Missile Bazaar: The New Supplier's Network, Boulder: Westview Press, 1994, pp. 99-127.
  • Péricles, 'The Role of Outer Space in Nuclear Deterrence,' in Nuclear Deterrence: Problems and Prospects in the 1990's, Serge Sur (ed.), UNIDIR, New York: United Nations Publications, 1993, pp. 105-16.
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  • Harvey, John R. and Uzi Rubin, 'Controlling Ballistic Missiles: How Important? How To Do It?,' Arms Control Today, March 1992, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 13-18.
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  • 'Letter Dated 7 February 1992 from the Heads of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil and Chile addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament Transmitting the Text of the Joint Declaration on the Complete Prohibition of Chemical and Biological Weapons, 'The Mendoza Agreement'', submitted to the Conference on Disarmament, CD/1126, 17 February 1992.
  • 'Letter Dated September 1992 from the Heads of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile Addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament Transmitting a Commentary on the Proposed Amendments to the Treaty of Tlatelolco,' Conference on Disarmament, CD 1172, 3 September 1992.
  • 'Rolling Text of the Treaty', in 'Report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly of the United Nations,' Conference on Disarmament, CD/1364, Appendix, pp. 27-140, September 1995
  • "Statement by India to the Conference on Disarmament," Conference on Disarmament, CD/, 6 August 1998.
  • "Statement made on Behalf of the 'Australia Group' by the Representative of Australia to the Conference on Disarmament," Conference on Disarmament, CD/1164, 7 August 1992, p. 2.
  • Europen Space Agency (ESRO/ELDO/ESA)
  • 'A European Success Story,' 50th Launch Special, Ariane, European Space Agency, April 1992.
  • European Centre for Space Law, Inventory of Space Law Related Materials Available at ESA HQ, Paris, ECSL, May 1990, 30 pp.
  • European Participation in the International Space Station: Facts and Arguments, European Space Agency, Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity, Document no. MSM-PI/8041, Paris, 17 February 1995.
  • Hermes, European Space Agency, ESA D/STS/H, May, 1991.
  • "Rules Concerning Information and Data," Council, European Space Agency, ESA/C(89)95, rev.1, Paris, 21 December 1989.
  • The European Space Agency, European Space Agency, Public Relations Division, Paris, June, 1992.
  • The European Space Agency Annual Report: 1991, European Space Agency, Public Relations Division, Noordwijk, 1991.

Group of 7/8

  • "PERM5 Joint Communique on India-Pakistan Nuclear Crisis," Geneva, 4 June 1998.
  • "The Denver Summit of the Eight," Comminique, June 22, 1997.
  • "G7 Declaration on Conventional Arms Transfers and NBC Nonproliferation," The London Economic Summit 1991, Communique, London, 16 July 1991.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • IAEA Statute, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
  • "Communication Received from Certain Member States Regarding Guidelines for the Export of Nuclear Material, Equipment and Technology: Nuclear Transfers," IAEA, INFCIRC/254/Rev.2/Part1, October 1995.
  • "Communication Received from Certain Member States Regarding Guidelines for the Export of Nuclear Material, Equipment and Technology: Nuclear-related Dual-use Transfers," IAEA, INFCIRC/254/Rev.2/Part2, October 1995.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • "Alliance policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction,", NATO Press Release, M-NAC-1(94)45, 9 June, 1994.
  • "North Atlantic Council Session of Defence Ministers," Press Communique, M-NAC-D-2(97), 149, Brussels, 2 December, 1997.
  • "NATO's Response to Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Facts and Way Ahead," Press Release, (95)124, 29 November 1995.
  • "Rome Declaration on Peace and Co-operation," Issued by the Head of States and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Rome, 7th-8th November 1991.
  • "The Alliance's New Strategic Concept," Agreed by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Rome, 7th-8th November 1991.
  • Missile Technology Control Regime
  • "Missile Technology Control Regime: An Information Paper", Press Release, Tokyo, 6 November 1997.
  • "Missile Technology Control Regime held Plenary Meeting in Tokyo", Press Release, Tokyo, 6 November 1997.
  • "Missile Technology Control Regime holds Plenary Meeting in Edinburgh", Press Release, Edinburgh, 10 October 1996.
  • "MTCR and the Third World: Impact Assessment," Strategic Analysis, October 1993, pp. 838-50.
  • "Missile Technology Control Regime Meets in Switzerland", Press Release, Interlaken, 3 December 1993.
  • Nuclear Suppliers Group
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1997', Press Statement, Ottawa, Canada, 8-9 May, 1997.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Working Group on Transparency: Discussion Points," Nuclear Suppliers Group, 1996.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1996', Press Statement, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25-26 April, 1996.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1995', Press Statement, Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 April, 1995.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1994', Press Statement, Madrid, Spain, 12-14 April, 1994.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1993," Press Statement, Lucerne, Switzerland, 1 April 1993.
  • "Nuclear Suppliers Group Plenary Meeting: 1992," Press Statement, Warsaw, Poland, 3 April, 1992.
  • Permanent Five Members of the Security-Council
  • "Communique Issued Following The Meeting of The Five: Interim Guidelines Related to Weapons of Mass Destruction," Communique, Washington, 29 May 1992.
  • "Communique Issued Following The Meeting of The Five: Guidelines for Conventional Arms Transfers," Communique, London 18 October 1991.
  • United Nations
  • "Official Records of the United Nations General Assembly," A/55/33 A, December 2000.
  • "Decision on the Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee under Item 1 of the Agenda entitled 'Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament'", Conference on Disarmament, CD/1547, 12 August 1998.
  • "Final Document," Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament, 1978, United Nations Publication, DPI/6708, February 1981.
  • "Sixth Report of the Executive Chairman of the Special Commission," United Nations Security Council, S/26910, 21 December 1993, pp. 21-22.
  • 'General and Complete Disarmament,' Official Records of the General Assembly, A/RES/46/36, 3 January 1992, p. 19.
  • "Transparency in armaments," "Official Records of the United Nations General Assembly," GA/RES 46/36 L, 9 December 1991.
  • "Official Records of the United Nations General Assembly," A/51/123, 13 December 1996.
  • Official Records of the United Nations, United Nations Security Council, R/687, 3 April 1991.
  • 'South Africa's Nuclear-Tipped Ballistic Missile Capability, Disarmament Study Series, Department for Disarmament Affairs, Report to the Secretary-General, United Nations Publications Office, New York, 1991.
  • 'The Implications of Establishing and International Satellite Monitoring Agency,' Report of the Secretary-General, Department of Disarmament Affairs, Study Series, no. 9, New York: United Nations Publication, 1983.
  • 'The Role of Science and technology in the Context of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields,' International Transfer of Sensitive Technology, Working Paper submitted by Argentina and Brazil, Disarmament Commission, A/CN, 10/145, 25 April 1991.
  • 'Verification in All Its Aspects,' Official Records of the General Assembly, A/45/372, 28 August 1990, p. 86.
  • 'The Question of the Definition and/or the Delimitation of Outer Space,' Official Records of the General Assembly, A/AC.105/C 2/7, 7 May 1970
  • 'The Question of the Definition and/or the Delimitation of Outer Space,' Official Records of the General Assembly, A/AC.105/C 2/7, 21 January 1977
  • 'Matters relating to the Definition and/or Delimitation of Outer Space and Outer Space Activities, Bearing in Mind Inter Alia, Questions Related to the Geostationary Orbit,' Official Record of the General Assembly, A/AC 105/C.2/L.139, 4 April 1983
  • 'Study on the Application of Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space,' Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, Report by the Secretary-General, A/48/305, 15 October 1993.
  • Request for Proposal: United Nations Thin Route Network, UN Thin Route Telecommunication Services Working Group, New York: United Nations, January 1995.
  • Wassenaar Arrangement
  • The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and DualUse Goods and Technologies, Wassenaar Arrangement, Vienna, Austria.

Western European Union

  • A European Space-Based Observation System, Colloquy, San Augustin, Gran Canaria, 24th-25th March 1995, Assembly of Western European Union, 1995, 87 pp.
  • Towards a European Space-Based Observation System, Assembly of Western European Union, Fortieth Ordinary Session, Document 1454, 2 May 1995.
  • Verification: A Future European Satellite Agency, Western European Union, Paris, WEU Assembly, Document 1159, 3 November 1988.



ABM interpretation: Four terms have been used to describe interpretations of legal limitations established by the ABM Treaty: traditional, restrictive, and narrow interpretation or broad interpretation, and reinterpretation. The terms traditional, restrictive, and narrow interpretations generally refer to an interpretation of the Treaty which both the Soviet Union and the United States appear to have subscribed to from the signing of the Treaty. This interpretation covers both traditional ABM components such as interceptors based on KEWs and technologies based on other physical principles such as DEWs. In contrast, the terms broad interpretation and reinterpretation are used to describe a different interpretation of the ABM Treaty as expressed by the United States in 1985 and which would establish limitations only on traditional ABM components. The issue of interpretation, or reinterpretation, of the ABM Treaty is being discussed by the Soviet Union and the United States in their bilateral Nuclear and Space Talks/Defense and Space Talks.

Active Defence: A term used to describe an in-flight interception of a ballistic missile.

Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM): A defence system designed to intercept ballistic missiles.

Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapon: A weapon designed to destroy or disable a satellite in space by nuclear or conventional explosion, collision at high speed, or directed energy beam. ASAT weapons may be ground or space-based, air or sea-launched.

Anti-Tactic Ballistic Missile (ATBM): A system of defence designed to intercept short-range ballistic missiles.

Application satellite: Spacecraft conceived to conduct operations concerning meteorology, remote sensing, communication, geodetic measurements, and a number of other uses of outer space.

Apogee: The point in an orbit of an Earth object which is furthest from the Earth.


Ballistic Missile (BM): A missile that is propelled into space by a booster rocket and which descends towards its target under a free-fall, performing a ballistic trajectory.

Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD): See Anti-Ballistic Missile.

Beam weapon: See Directed Energy Weapon, .

Boost phase: The first phase of a ballistic missile flight usually lasting from 3-5 minutes.

Brilliant Pebbles: A boost and post-boost space-based interceptor concept based on the principle of Kinetic-kill. Brilliant Pebbles, which will probably be deployed in the Phase I of SDI, will provide integrated sensors, guidance, control, battle management and several thousands of single interceptors.


Capability: This term is used in this paper to mean the ability of a state or organization to put together the administrative (organizational) and financial R&D techniques to organize and finalize a given systems or components including its design, manufacture, and the ability to deploy these systems or components and render them operational.

Chemical laser (Cls) weapon: The concept of a weapon powered by deuterium and fluoride, oxygen and iodine and yielding radiation in the form of a laser beam.

Communications satellite: Satellites designed to emit/receive communications signals. In military contingencies, they can also serve as Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence (C3I) application tools.

Cryogenic propellant: A rocket fuel based on a mixture of liquid oxygen and hydrogen.


Dedicated space weapons: Weapons specially designed to strike targets in space, on the ground, at sea, or in the air, whatever their place of deployment.

Defense and Space Talks (DST): Bilateral USSR/US negotiations dealing with strategic defense matters, including the interpretation/reinterpretation of the ABM Treaty.

Directed Energy Weapon (DEW): A weapon based on beams of energy to destroy or damage its target.


Early-warning: The early detection of an incoming attack by space-based and Earth-based surveillance

Early-warning satellite: Satellites designed to monitor the heat of rocket plume to detect the launching of ballistic missiles (infra-red sensors). devices.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): The discharge of electromagnetic energy produced by a nuclear explosion.

Electromagnetic Railgun: See Railgun.

Endo-atmospheric launcher: A vehicle designed to boost a payload up to the limits of the atmosphere generally considered as altitudes below 100 km.

Equatorial orbit: A circular orbit above the equator.

Excimar lasers (Els) weapon: The concept of a weapon powered by krypton-fluoride or chlorine-xenon molecules near ultraviolet to visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum yielding a laser beam.

Exo-atmospheric launcher: A vehicle designed to boost a payload beyond the limits of the atmosphere and therefore into outer space generally considered as altitudes above 100 km.

Exotic technology: A term used to refer to devices based on principles such as laser and particle beam. See Directed Energy Weapon, Excimar lasers (Els) weapon, Chemical laser (Cls) weapon, Free-electron laser (FEL) weapon, Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) weapon.

Extended Air Defence (EAD): A defence system that aims to counter any air-breathing threat whether it is an aircraft, cruise missile, or ballistic missile.


Free-electron laser (FEL) weapon: The concept of a weapon powered by electron beam (infra-red radiation) yielding a laser beam.


General reconnaissance satellite: Satellites designed for (a) area surveillance and close-look missions, (b) monitoring military radio communications, (c) detecting missile telemetry signals and (d) locating naval vessels. In general, these satellites carry special ELINT devices and photographic camera.

Geodetic satellite: Satellites designed to determine the precise size and shape of the Earth's surface, as well as it's gravitational field. This information is useful in providing well-detailed maps and the location on the globe of cities, towns and villages to improve the accuracy of intercontinental ballistic or cruse missiles.

Geosynchronous orbit: An orbit also referred to as geostationary orbit located nearly 36,000 km above the Equator, where a satellite travels at the same speed relative to a point situated on the Equator. Satellites in this orbit appear stationary above a specific point on the Equator.


Heliosynchronous orbit: A satellite orbit whose orbital plane progresses by one degree a day around the line of the poles. A satellite in such an orbit keeps the same position in relation to the Earth-Sun line.

High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor (HEDI): An interceptor designed to counter Soviet incoming warheads being tested for SDI.

Horizontal Proliferation: the increase in the number of countries possessing a given type of arm or arm capability.


Infra-red sensors: A device capable of detecting the infra-red (IR) radiation from a targeted object.

Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV): The amount of space or ground observed at the instant of observation by the sensor of a scanner.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM): A ground-based ballistic missile with a range equal to or greater than 5,500 km.


Kinetic Energy Weapon (KEW): A weapon which destroys or damages its target by direct impact or collision.


Laser [Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation] weapon: A device that produces an intense beam of coherent electromagnetic radiation.

Low orbits: A band of space around the Earth varying from 150 to 1,500 km.


Meteorology satellite: Satellites designed to supply real time global and local visibility and Infra-Red images (weather conditions) by using photographic camera and infra-red sensors.

Microgravity: The quasi-total absence of weight produced when a spacecraft orbits around the Earth. This phenomenon is createdby an equilibrium between the spacecraft's gravitational and centrifugal forces.

Mid-course phase: The phase of a ballistic missile flight in space after the boost phase and before re-entry into the atmosphere usually lasting 20-25 minutes.

Molniya orbit: An elliptical satellite orbit usually characterized by a perigee of about 500 km and apogee of about 40,000 km.


Navigation satellite: Satellites desinged to provide the exact position of a receiver on Earth. They can also provides atmospheric measurements to determine optimal missile trajectories (e.g., water vapour content and wind velocity along a missile's possible trajectory).

National Technical Means (NTMs): Space-based and Earth-based devices used to gather intelligence and under national control. For example, USSR and US reconnaissance satellites are used to monitor compliance with bilateral arms limitation and disarmament agreements.

Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) weapon: The concept of a weapon powered by electron acceleration of hydrogen ion yielding a neutral beam.

Non-dedicated space weapons: In principle, non-dedicated space weapons are weapons which, while not space weapons as such, have some inherent capability which could convert them into space weapons.

Nuclear and Space Talks (NST): Geneva-based negotiations between the Soviet Union and the United States encompassing strategic and intermediate nuclear forces and defence and space matters.


Ocean surveillance satellite: Satellites desinged to (a) locate surface ships, (b) determine their nature and direction, (c) detect submarine missile launchings. In general, these satellites carry passive sensors and can also detect Infra-Red and Microwave radiations. They contain special ELINT devices, photographic camera, and radars.

Orbit: The path of a satellite under the influence of the Earth's gravitational force, whereby the satellite returns to the same point.


Particle beam: An energy beam of atoms or subatomic particles.

Passive Defence: A term used to describe early-warning or other launch detection capabilities.

Phased-array radar: A high-speed and highly accurate radar used, inter alia, in ABM systems. One of the particular characteristics of this type of radar is that it points its beam in different directions by electronically moving its antenna other radars move their antenna mechanically and are usually slower than Phased-array ones.

Perigee: The point in an orbit of an Earth satellite which is closest to the Earth.

Polar orbit: A satellite orbit in which the orbital plane contains the Earth's axis of rotation.


Radar [Radio detection and ranging] (space-based): An active sensor which records the radiation reflected by microwaveenergy previously emitted to the Earth by the same sensor.

Resolution: A term used to determine the size of objects to be detected by an image sensor. The smaller the resolution parameters the more details will be visible in the image produced by optical systems. The parameters of a resolution are a factor of the distance between the detector and the targeted object (orbit height), different atmospheric turbulence and other factors.


Satellite ground segment: The ground component of a satellite system including mission assignment, data-processing, and communication facilities.

Satellite space segment: The space component of a satellite system consisting of satellites.

Scientific satellite: Space-orbiting devices developed to undertake scientific experiments. This type of spacecraft carries an array of different scientific measurement devices.

Sounding rocket: A rocket usually employed for scientific studies which provides the capability to conduct endo-atmospheric and, most importantly, exo-atmospheric experiments the latter providing limited access (a few minutes) to microgravity. These rockets usually have a range not exceeding about 1,000km and most of these rockets have a single solid fuelled-propelled body.

Space-Based Interceptors (SBIs): Interceptors under development for SDI designed primarily to counter Soviet incoming missiles and warheads in their boost and post-boost phases of flight.

Space booster/launcher/vehicle: space launchers are exo-atmospheric rockets which may be used to reach low Earth orbits (150 to 500km) or higher altitudes such as the geostationary orbit, or deep space (over 40,000km) areas.

Space mine: A space object carrying an explosive charge which could be used to damage or disable another object in space.

Space weapons: See Dedicated space weapons and Non-dedicated space weapons.

Star Wars: See Strategic Defense Initiative.

Strap-on boosters: Small rockets attached to the body of a larger main rocket for the purpose of increasing trust in the initial (boost) phase of launch.

Strategic Defense (SD): A system of defense aimed at rendering a strategic nuclear attack ineffective by employing various methods of ground and space-based defence against incoming strategic missiles and their re-entry vehicles.

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): A programme initiated in 1983 which is designed to develop a ballistic missile defense (BMD). At present, SDI consists of four BMD missions: A Hedge Mission, An Accidental Launch Protection System, A System to Protect Silo-Based ICBMs, and the Administration Mission. Deployment of SDI is to be primarily structured in two initial stages, Phase I and II, where ground and space-based KE weapons would be deployed. Potential Follow-on Phases would then probably involve the deployment of ground and space-based space weapons based on other principles such as DE weapons.

Strategic Defense Initiative Architecture: The description of all system functional activities to be performed to achieve the US SDI desired level of defence. It includes thesystem elements needed to perform the functions and the allocation of performance levels among those system elements.

Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM): A ballistic missile deployed on a submarine.

Sun-synchronous orbit: A polar orbit with orbital parameters such that a satellite crosses the Earth's equatorial plane at the same local time.


Telecommand signal: A command transmitted to the satellite from the ground through a radio-frequency link.

Telemetric data: The values of parameters and status concerning an active flying object (e.g., satellite, space vehicle or missile) which are transmitted to the ground through a radio-frequency link.

Test satellite: Spacecraft designed as experimental satellites to confirm technologies for either future satellites or space launchers.

Terminal phase: The final phase of a ballistic missile usually lasting one or two minutes.

Theatre: A zone of potential or actual conflict.


Vertical Proliferation: The quantitative increase of arms, or arms capability, in the arsenal of a given country.


X-ray Laser (XrLs) weapon: A weapon concept consisting of beams of coherent X-rays produced by a nuclear explosion.

Annex I : Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies:

Confrontation or Co-operation1Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation1Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation1Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation1Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation01Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation001Annex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operationAnnex I: Questionnaire on The Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies: Confrontation or Co-operation


Péricles Gasparini Alves

Outer Space Affairs

Project Co-ordinator


N.B.: No personal names will be mentioned when processing the information supplied in this questionnaire. If the questionnaire asks you to state the position of your government on a particular issue, and you are not sure what the relevant position is, please try and respond in a manner that you believe is likely to reflect the position of your government.
Return date1 May 1994
Return AddressPéricles Gasparini AlvesProject Co-ordinatorOuter Space AffairsUNIDIRRoom A-213Palais des NationsCH-1211 Geneva 10Phone: (022) 917.42.53/63Fax : (022) 917.01.76

Table of Contents


I. National Policy and Legal Aspects 1

A. Policy Issues 1

B. National Legislation 2

II. Development of Outer Space Capabilities 3

III. Geo-political and Military-Technological Implications 3

IV. Selective Control Regimes 5

A. Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Control (COCOM) 5

B. New COCOM Arrangement (COCOM-II) 6

C. Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) 7

D. London Club 7

E. Australia Group 8

F. Others 8

G. Regime Implementation 9

V. International Agreements on the Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies 11

A. Bilateral Agreement 12

B. Multilateral Agreement 13

VI. General Remarks 14

Country name: Date : / /

I. National Policy and Legal Aspects

A. Policy Issues

Question 1: Does your country have a specific policy or guideline with respect to the development of outer space capabilities?

( ) Specific Policy;

( ) Guideline.


Please enclose a copy of related documents with the questionnaire (preferably, in English or French)

Question 2: Which national institution(s) is in charge of the development and implementation of outer space applications?

Question 3: What is the nature of this institution(s)?

( ) Civilian ministry: e.g., Ministry of Space/Ministry of Science and Technology;

( ) Military ministry: e.g., Ministry of the Aeronautics;

( ) A mixture of both: e.g., an organ dependent or linked to the military (organizations, academies, technical institutes, etc...).

B. National Legislation

Question 4: Does your country have any legislation regarding the acquisition, development and/or transfer of outer space technologies?

( ) Acquisition; ( ) Service;

( ) Development; ( ) Re-export;

( ) End-Use; ( ) Transfer.

If yes, please enclose a copy of related documents with the questionnaire (preferably, in English or French)

Question 5: Does your country plan to have any legislation regarding the acquisition, development and/or transfer of outer space technologies?

( ) Yes (e.g., a bill under debate in legislative bodies)

( ) No

If yes, please enclose a copy of related documents with the questionnaire (preferably, in English or French)

Question 6: Does your country have any legislation regarding the acquisition, development and/or transfer of arms and related material?

( ) Acquisition; ( ) Service;

( ) Development; ( ) Re-export;

( ) End-Use; ( ) Transfer.

If yes, please enclose a copy of related documents with the questionnaire (preferably, in English or French)

Question 7: Does your country plan to have any legislation regarding the acquisition, development and/or transfer of arms and related material?

( ) Yes (e.g., a bill under debate in legislative bodies)

( ) No

If yes, please enclose a copy of related documents with the questionnaire (preferably, in English or French)

II. Development of Outer Space Capabilities

Question 8: Is your country a user of space applications and/or manufacturer of space assets?

User Manufacturer

Satellite ( )
Sounding Rocket ( )
Space Launcher ( )
Satellite/Rocket Tracking ( )
Other ( )

Satellite ( )
Sounding Rocket ( )
Space Launcher ( )
Satellite/Rocket Tracking ( )
Other ( )

If other, briefly explain:

Question 9: Does your country plan to be a user of space applications and/or manufacturer of space assets?

User Manufacturer

Satellite ( )
Sounding Rocket ( )
Space Launcher ( )
Satellite/Rocket Tracking ( )
Other ( )

Satellite ( )
Sounding Rocket ( )
Space Launcher ( )
Satellite/Rocket Tracking ( )
Other ( )

If other, briefly explain:

III. Geo-political and Military-Technological Implications

Question 10: How does the increasing number of states developing outer space capabilities (satellite, rockery, and tracking technologies) affect your country's perception of international security?

Question 11: Does your country possess or plan to possess missiles having a range of 300km or more?

1= Ballistic missile; 2= Air-breathing vehicle

Status of Missile Possession

Basing Mode

In operation


Ground-based ( / ) ( / ) ( / )


( / )

( / )

( / )


( / )

( / )

( / )


Question 12: Does any private or other company in your country manufacture or plan to manufacture missiles having a range of 300km or more?

1= Ballistic missile; 2= Air-breathing vehicle

  Status of Missile Manufacturing Capability
Basing Mode In operation Under
Ground-based ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Ship-mounted ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Airborne ( / ) ( / ) ( / )


Question 13: Does your country possess or plan to possess dedicated/dual-use military satellites?

1= Dedicated; 2= Dual-use

  Status of Military Satellite Possession
Application In operation Under
Reconnaissance ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Communications ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Other ( / ) ( / ) ( / )


Question 14: Does any private or other company in your country manufactures or plan to manufacture dedicated/dual-use military satellites?

1= Dedicated; 2= Dual-use

  Status of Military Satellite Manufacturing Capability
Application In operation Under
Reconnaissance ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Communications ( / ) ( / ) ( / )
Other ( / ) ( / ) ( / )


IV. Selective Control Regimes

A. Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Control (COCOM)

Question 15: Is your country a member of the COCOM?

( ) Yes If yes, since when?

( ) No

Question 16: Has your country applied for membership to the COCOM?

( ) Yes If yes, when?

( ) No

Question 17: If your country is neither a member nor has it applied for membership to the COCOM, please indicate if your government (Head of State or government, or high-ranking governmental official) has made any statement related to a possible participation of your country in this regime?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate the nature of the statement and date:

B. New COCOM Arrangement (COCOM-II)

Question 18: Will your country be an original member of the new COCOM arrangement?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate what does your country expects from this new arrangement:

Question 19: If your country will not be an original member of the new COCOM arrangement, does your country intend to apply for membership of this new arrangement?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate what your country expects from this new arrangement:

Question 20: If your country is neither a member nor does it intend to apply for membership to this new arrangement, please indicate if your government (Head of State or government, or high-ranking governmental official) has made any statement related to this new regime.

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate the nature of the statement and date:

C. Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Question 21: Is your country a member of the MTCR?

( ) Yes If yes, since when?

( ) No

Question 22: Has your country applied for membership to the MTCR?

( ) Yes If yes, when?

( ) No

Question 23: If your country is neither a member nor has it applied for membership to the MTCR, please indicate if your government (Head of State or government, or high-ranking governmental official) has made any statement related to a possible participation of your country in this regime?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate the nature of the statement and date:

D. London Club

Question 24: Is your country a member of the London Club?

( ) Yes If yes, since when?

( ) No

Question 25: Has your country applied for membership to the London Club?

( ) Yes If yes, when?

( ) No

Question 26: If your country is neither a member nor has it applied for membership to the London Club, please indicate if your government (Head of State or government, or high-ranking governmental official) has made any statement related to a possible participation of your country in this regime?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate the nature of the statement and date:

E. Australia Group

Question 27: Is your country a member of the Australia Group?

( ) Yes If yes, since when?

( ) No

Question 28: Has your country applied for membership to the Australia Group?

( ) Yes If yes, when?

( ) No

Question 29: If your country is neither a member nor has it applied for membership to the Australia Group, please indicate if your government (Head of State or government, or high-ranking governmental official) has made any statement related to a possible participation of your country in this regime?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please indicate the nature of the statement and date:

F. Others

Question 30: What other control regime does your country sees as having an effect on the development of outer space capabilities and/or the transfer of dual-use outer space technologies? Please indicate the main reasons:

G. Regime Implementation

Question 31: Please assess your country's perception of the effectiveness of existing and projected selective control regimes.

  Selective Agreement
Degree of Effectiveness COCOM COCOM-II MTCR LoCl AuGr Others
Of very little impact ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Of little impact ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Not much impact but still significant ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Significant ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Very significant ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

LoCl= London Club; AuGr= Australian Group

Question 32: Has your country's sale or transfer of outer space technologies been affected by any selective control regime?

( ) COCOM; ( ) London Club;

( ) MTCR; ( ) Australia Group;

( ) Other.

Please indicate name:

Question 33: Has your country's development of outer space technologies been affected by any selective control regime?

( ) COCOM; ( ) London Club;

( ) MTCR; ( ) Australia Group;

( ) Other.

Please indicate name:

Question 34: If the answer to one of the two previous questions is yes, please indicate the nature of such events.

( ) Raw Material:
( ) Liquid Fuel
( ) Solid Fuel
( ) Rocket/satellite body material
( ) Other
( ) Satellite components & technologies:
( ) Battery
( ) Antenna
( ) Navigation system (e.g., guidance)
( ) Telemetry/software
( ) Engine
( ) Ground-based control system
( ) Other
( ) Rocket components & technologies:
( ) Stage separation
( ) Navigation system (e.g., guidance)
( ) Telemetry/Software
( ) Engine
( ) Ground-based control system
( ) Other
( ) Services & technologies:
( ) Satellite launching service
( ) Rocket body thermal preparation
( )
( )
( ) Other


Question 35: If the answers to questions 32, 33, and 34 are yes, please indicate the implications deriving from problems related to selective control regimes.

1= Satellite; 2= Rocketry; 3= Tracking equipment

( ) The termination of ( / / ) programmes;

( ) The slowing down of ( / / ) production causing R&D to lag behind schedules;

( ) The increase in the total cost of programmes by provoking a search for autonomous alternatives, such as the development of production of indigenous components and equipment;

( ) The development of friction between your country and MTCR members;

( ) The threatening/establishment of sanctions against your country.

Question 36: If your country is a member of a selective control regime, please indicate whether the following events have already occurred (between your country and other members) as a result of dual-use technology effective or intended transfers:

1= COCOM; 2= MTCR; 3= London Club; 4= Australia Group; 5= Other.

( ) The development of friction ( / / / / );

( ) The threatening/establishment of sanctions against your country ( / / / / );

( ) Rupture of diplomatic or other relations ( / / / / ).


Question 37: Please assess your country's position on necessary changes to be made in the following existing and projected control regimes:

Future Developments COCOM-II MTCR LoCl AuGr Others
No change ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Improvement of substance/scope ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Introduction of formal group-sanctions ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Combination of objectives/members ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Broadening of membership ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Termination ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

LoCl= London Club; AuGr= Australian Group; The original COCOM is scheduled to be officially terminated by 31 March 1994.

If others, indicate:

V. International Agreements on the Transfer of Dual-Use Outer Space Technologies

Question 38: How does your country see the role of transparency and/or predictability measures related to the development of outer space technologies?

Degree of Importance Transparency Predictability
Of very little importance ( ) ( )
Of little importance ( ) ( )
Not so important but still significant ( ) ( )
Important ( ) ( )
Very important ( ) ( )


Question 39: What major initiatives does your country see as necessary to ensure transparency and predictability in the development of outer space technologies?

Degree of Importance National
Of very little importance ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Of little importance ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Not so important but still significant ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Important ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Very important ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Question 40: What, and by what means, major aspects of the manufacturing/transferring of outer space assets and activities does your country see necessary to regulate?

Manufacture/Transfer National
Equipment ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Technology ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Knowhow ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Service ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Others ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

If others, indicate:

A. Bilateral Agreement

Question 41: How does your country assesses the importance of verification in an eventual bilateral agreement on the transfer of dual-use outer space technologies?

( ) Of very little importance

( ) Of little importance

( ) Not so important but still significant

( ) Importance

( ) Very important


Question 42: What type of monitoring system does your country see as necessary to be conceived for the verification of a bilateral agreement?

( ) National Technical Means (NTMs)

( ) Bilateral Technical Means (BTMs)

Question 43: What type of verification regime does your country see as necessary in the event of a bilateral agreement on the transfer of dual-use outer space technologies?

( ) Voluntary and ( ) Non-intrusive

( ) Mandatory and ( ) Intrusive (in-sito: manufacturing plants,

launch sites, etc..)


Question 44: What other major issues related to verification should be addressed in such an agreement?

B. Multilateral Agreement

Question 45: What transparency measures does your country see as necessary to ensure confidence in the development of outer space technologies?

Question 46: What predictability measures does your country see as necessary to ensure security in the development of outer space technologies?

Question 47: What forum does your country see as most appropriate to negotiate a multilateral agreement on the transfer of dual-use outer space technologies?

( ) COPUOS; ( ) TRANSARM Committee

( ) PAROS Committee; ( ) Other. Please indicate name:

Question 48: How does your country assess the importance of verification in an eventual multilateral agreement on the transfer of dual-use outer space technologies?

( ) Of very little importance

( ) Of little importance

( ) Not so important but still significant

( ) Importance

( ) Very important


Question 49: What type of monitoring system does your country see as necessary to be conceived for the verification of a multilateral agreement?

( ) National Technical Means (NTMs)

( ) Multilateral Technical Means (MTMs)

Question 50: What type of verification regime does your country see as necessary in the event of a multilateral agreement on the transfer of dual-use technologies?

( ) Voluntary and ( ) Non-intrusive

( ) Mandatory and ( ) Intrusive (in-sito: manufacturing plants,

launch sites, etc..)


Question 51: What other major issues related to verification should be addressed in such an agreement?

VI. General Remarks

Please fill free to make any remarks regarding both the main subject of this research report or this questionnaire. You are also encouraged to attach any additional information which might be relevant for this research:
